Cleantech 50TOWATCH

Is There Time?

Some say it’s too late, if the fires don’t destroy our world, the floods will. But we say innovation and people with the courage to act on their commitments give us hope.

Download the 2023 Cleantech 50 to Watch and be amazed by the innovators willing to deliver nothing short of the transformation we all need.

About the Cleantech 50 to Watch


2023 50 to Watch by the Numbers

What do we know about the companies on the list?

1,814 Companies evaluated
21 Countries represented
36% Gender-diverse founding/executive teams
$81.8M Total raised by 2023 Cleantech 50 to Watch companies on list

About Cleantech Group

Cleantech Group is a research-driven company that helps corporates, public sector, investors and others, identify, assess, and engage with the innovative solutions and opportunities that are related to the world’s massive, and growing, environmental and climate challenges.

Cleantech Research


Our analysts deliver research and briefings on the themes central to your goals.

Cleantech Consulting


We’ll help you set priorities, and determine where and how to find the partners that take you forward.

Cleantech global events introduce sustainable innovation to investors


Meet corporate change makers, investors, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders from the cleantech ecosystem.

Become a sponsor of the Cleantech 50 to Watch and champion the next generation of innovators. Email forums@cleantech.com for more information.

Latest Global Cleantech Perspectives

Tackling Agrifood Waste: A Major Opportunity for Sustainable Innovation

Waste in the food and agriculture industry is an enormous yet often overlooked contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, as much…

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