Now in its 16th year, Cleantech Forum San Francisco 2018 will once again be a true kick off for your year – mark your calendars for January 22-24, 2018!
This annual gathering of the global cleantech innovation community offers a comprehensive, three-day program along with exclusive opportunities to network, learn, and get deals done. Since 2002, Cleantech Group has brought together clean technology’s most influential leaders – corporate executives, start-up and growth company CEOs, investors, government agencies, and other players – from across all areas of resource innovation, from the major industrial verticals, and from across the globe.
The upcoming Forum will be our 16th annual showing of our flagship event, and Charting the Future, Connecting the Globe remains core to the value proposition of Cleantech Forums, and indeed all of CTG’s services.
What You’ll Experience
Our Cleantech Forums give you a glimpse of the future, get you out of your everyday silos, provide a different perspective, and help you find innovations of relevance to you that are in adjacent or altogether different industrial and technology areas. We convene the game-changers from multiple sectors all in one place for three days, from 25+ countries, and from over 100 cities worldwide. Our 16-year history of Cleantech Forums speaks to the importance of our events in getting deals done (or started), and the feedback we receive from attendees each year highlights the unique opportunities found at our Forums.
For our 16th Forum, we are building the theme around the idea of “next generations.” Expect insights on where the next generation of technologies might take the industrial landscape, hear from the newest generation of investment vehicles, and expect to meet CEOs who are representing how the next generation of entrepreneurs are shaping up.
We will once again host the official announcement of our annual Global Cleantech 100 list and awards, as well as release our Global Cleantech 100 Report that highlights the mega-trends of the next 5-10 years.
Haven’t experienced a Cleantech Forum? Learn more about it here.
Who Attends
You can expect to meet high-level corporate and investor representatives, entrepreneurs and disruptive start-ups, and other innovation leaders from 25+ countries, 5 continents, and from across many different sectors and industries.
Attendee numbers are consistently in the 550-600 range. Each is motivated to see today’s ‘state of the art’ in sustainable innovation and to gain insights on tomorrow.
Entrepreneurs: The start-ups and innovators on the front lines of sustainable innovation.
Corporates: Representatives from today’s leading corporate open innovation and venturing programs – those funding, incubating and partnering with innovation for strategic as well as financial return.
Financial Investors: Representatives from leading financial firms – venture and growth capital firms, from Sand Hill Road to Zhongguancun, along with the angels and family offices looking to make a sustainable impact and financial return.
Innovation Leaders: The ecosystem is completed with the presence of public sector officials and programs specialized in helping cleantech and resource innovation, and by lawyers and bankers, thinkers and innovation visionaries.
Check out a sampling of who typically attends our Forum here.
Next Generations
In line with CTG’s “charting the future” mission, this year’s Forum is built around the idea of Next Generations.
Through keynotes, panels, company pitches, and our interaction track, our 2018 Forum will be exploring many angles on this idea. Here are some of what you should expect:
You should expect a series of sessions to meet and hear from next generation entrepreneurs – the rising stars as identified from within our GCT100 program, but also from the generation of companies on the horizon.
Next generation technologies will, of course get some airtime – in part from the keynote from the CEO of Singularity University (with its well-known focus on exponential technologies) and in part from CTG’s own Cutting Edge series, which continues to explore the relevant energy and industrial applications of enabling technologies such as AI, blockchain, and gene editing.
Read moreTechnology is exciting, but is not always a defining factor in whether a young company thrives. Instead, it is often suitable business models and investment vehicles that accelerate and finance immature technologies. The 2018 Forum will feature next generation investment approaches to call out this trend we have been following closely for the past two years.
Leadership has never felt more important – be it in a venture company, a multi-national, a city, state or country. New leaders are picking up the baton of the sustainable revolution, and we would like to hear from some of these next generation leaders in positions of influence.
And finally, we are also looking at how to bring actual next generations into the mix, both as participants and voices in the Forum. We also want to look at how the decades-long trends we are following will be impacted by the next generations and their marked differences from the baby boomer generation (in numbers; in the way they communicate, collaborate and consume; what they demand of products and services; and where they are/will be (namely in Asia and Africa)).
Featured speakers
January 22, 2018
Market Street Room | INVITE ONLYEntrepreneur Coaching
Select entrepreneurs will have the chance to participate in a coaching session with a small group of subject matter experts from our network, representing different perspectives and experiences on a range of topics relevant to “the building of a company.” (Invitation Only)
Paige Carratturo
CEO & Co-Founder, Sea ChangeKaren Janowski
Vice President, Client Services, Prospect Silicon ValleySteve Weiss
Marketing, Genomatica -
INVITE ONLY / LIMITED SEATINGExecutive Summit: Next Generation Mobility
This limited-seating, afternoon Executive Summit will be devoted to sharing views on the intersection of mobility and where it will have the biggest impact and the most challenges – cities. The objectives are to engage in a dialogue around getting mobility solutions beyond pilots into commercial operations, while also addressing how the emerging business models and technology support the broader public good.
The Summit is now at capacity. If you would like to request a place on the wait list, please email forums@cleantech.com.
Read moreThere are several intersecting trends in mobility that will shape the next generation: autonomous vehicles, widespread use of sensors and data across the transportation infrastructure, new transportation service models, and active participation from cities on planning and control to meet diverse needs and challenges of increasing urbanization – to name a few.
We will look across the ecosystem at the programs, plans and possibilities; who is leading the way; and where to watch. In this Summit setting, we will bring together key participants driving these trends in an effort to lay out concerns, identify opportunities, and foster collaboration.
The City view (representatives from 2-3 cities actively addressing mobility):
- How can the emerging business models and technology support the broader public good, and not just private actor actions?
- Let’s talk about data – what is on the table and what is not – when it comes to privacy, ownership, and competitive advantage.
The Service Provider view (3-4 large companies active in mobility, and 3-5 startups with innovative ideas):
- We will look at transportation solutions beyond pilots, and how to take them to commercial scale.
- The speed of change: technology changes now, tomorrow and next Tuesday….
Todd Allmendinger
Director of Research, Cleantech GroupDick Alexander
EVP, Business Development and Innovation, Transdev North AmericaGordon Feller
Founder, Meeting of the MindsGary Halbert
City Manager, City of Chula VistaRahul Kumar
Vice President of Growth, TransLocRobin North
CEO and Lead Technologist, Immense SimulationsEd Reiskin
Director of Transportation, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)Chris Thomas
Founder and Partner, Fontinalis Partners -
Market Street Room | INVITE ONLYEntrepreneur & Investor Speed Networking
The Entrepreneur & Investor Speed Networking session will connect investors, corporates, and entrepreneurs via a facilitated “speed dating” format. Entrepreneurs will have the chance to meet with multiple investors throughout the session. Limited seating and by invitation only.
We are now at capacity for the Speed Networking session and will no longer be accepting any new requests (from either investors or startups).
Cyril Magnin FoyerRegistration & Official Opening
Cyril Magnin BallroomThe 2018 Global Cleantech 100 is Unveiled: Welcome to the 16th Annual Cleantech Forum San Francisco!
We will open the Forum by releasing the latest edition of the Global Cleantech 100, the ninth such list since its inaugural appearance in 2009.
Richard Youngman
CEO, Cleantech GroupChristi Edwards
SVP, Clean Tech Practice Leader, Chubb -
Cyril Magnin BallroomThe Future is Bright, the Future is Electric
To what extent, and at what speed, might our transportation networks electrify? What are the detectable signals today that EV’s time has truly arrived? Where might an electric mobility future take us?
These are some of the questions the CEOs of two leading companies in the space will address through their different perspectives on the trend.
Read moreWhile hard to think of anyone better placed to talk to us about the charging infrastructure network and its chicken and egg role in the mass adoption of EVs predicted over the next decades than ChargePoint – the operator of the world’s largest EV charging network – expect the CEO to spend most of his talk on the “fleetification of everything,” viewpoints on where we are heading, and with what implications.
Light duty grabs a lot of the headlines, but just as important a question is how electric the medium/heavy duty portion of global transportation can go, and with what kind of an adoption curve? Proterra will speak about how they believe the sun is setting on combustion.
In between, we will have the chance to briefly meet a newly active fund (namely, Invenergy Future Fund) and a “fresh face” at the Forum – all in the spirit of the Connecting the Globe part of CTG’s mission.
Pat Romano
President & CEO, ChargePointAmy Francetic
Managing Director, Energize VenturesRyan Popple
President and CEO, Proterra -
Cyril Magnin BallroomJames Redford: “HAPPENING: A Clean Energy Revolution”
Filmmaker James Redford joins us to share his new HBO documentary, Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution. We’ll hear about his personal journey into the clean energy era and enjoy a film clip. Q&A will follow his presentation.
Read moreFilm Synopsis: James Redford embarks on a colorful personal journey into the dawn of the clean energy era as it creates jobs, turns profits, and makes communities stronger and healthier across the US. Unlikely entrepreneurs in communities from Georgetown, TX to Buffalo, NY reveal pioneering clean energy solutions while James’ discovery of how clean energy works, and what it means at a personal level, becomes the audiences’ discovery too. Reaching well beyond a great story of technology and innovation, “Happening” explores issues of human resilience, social justice, embracing the future, and finding hope for our survival. Learn about the film here.
James Redford
Co-founder and Chair, The Redford Center -
Cyril Magnin FoyerWelcome Reception
January 23, 2018
Cyril Magnin FoyerRegistration, Continental Breakfast & Roundtable Trends Discussion Sessions
Welcome coffee and light breakfast will be served in the general networking area.
In addition to the concurrent energy storage breakfast, we offer you the opportunity to grab some breakfast and come join the following discussions on trends (in roundtables of up to 10 people, first come, first served):
Read more- Trends: Blockchain in energy
Are you a blockchain enthusiast? A crypto-skeptic? A bit moderate? Following our executive summit on the subject in Boston in November, come join CTG’s lead on the subject to hear some takeaways from that 1-day summit, and exchange views on the technology. The boldest can take this opportunity to make 2018 predictions on blockchain. No crystal ball required. - Trends: Corporates, Accelerators, and Their Open Innovation Strategies
In the drive for growth, corporates are pursuing a range of activities from leveraging outside organizations as proxies (e.g. venture capital, accelerator/incubators) to taking things into their own hands with corporate venture activities, dedicated incubator/accelerators, and more extensive open innovation programs. Come join CTG’s Director of Research for a discussion on what we have been seeing through our data and research work, and to exchange thoughts on exploring what approaches are the best fit, examples, and lessons learned. - Trends: Whisper it Quietly, but Nuclear Technologies are Enjoying a Renaissance
Come join the managing partner of Strong Atomics (the only fund dedicated to fusion that we know of) and our ex-DoE CTG Advisor for the latest on the progress of new nuclear technology companies, and the funders taking an interest in them. - Trends: Will the Hunger for Cleantech Acquisitions Continue?
CTG’s Cleantech Index® that underlies several exchange-traded funds (ETFs) returned in excess of 30% in 2017 and has essentially been outperforming all peer indices, ETFs, and mutual funds worldwide since 2007. A good portion of those returns have been driven by M&A activity, as 50-70 Index companies have acquired 300 cleantech companies, and 35 Index companies themselves have been acquired since 2007. Come chat with the Manager of the Cleantech Index about why cleantech M&A has been higher than the overall market, and whether he expects both M&A and such market outperformance to continue.
Jules Besnainou
Director, Cleantech for EuropeTodd Allmendinger
Director of Research, Cleantech GroupMalcolm Handley
Founder & Managing Partner, Strong AtomicsWendolyn Holland
Senior Advisor, Cleantech GroupRafael Coven
Managing Director, Cleantech Group’s Cleantech Indices - Trends: Blockchain in energy
Mission RoomNext Generation Energy Storage Breakfast: Exploring The Future of Competing with Li-ion in Storage
The global energy storage market today is largely dominated by Li-ion, which continues to experience dramatic price and performance improvements. What role, if any, will other energy storage technologies play as the market evolves in the coming years? How can these alternatives compete with Li-ion – for which use cases, in which markets, and when? What does one have to assume about the evolution of these technologies’ costs and performance relative to Li-ion to support these views?
Read moreDan Gabaldon, a Director from Enovation Partners who focuses on DER (including leading the three Lazard LCOS studies), will lead a panel discussion of a cross section of different energy storage technologies. The session will start with Dan sharing his firm’s perspective on the evolution of revenue sources and technology costs globally. Dan will then facilitate a discussion among the panelists and the broader audience, exploring the contours of the future storage market and its implications for different energy storage technologies and business models alternatives.
Come enjoy your breakfast with us.
Dan Gabaldon
Founding Partner, Enovation PartnersYaron Ben Nun
CEO, Nostromo EnergyBill Capp
Founder, Grid Storage ConsultingDoron Brenmiller
EVP, Brenmiller EnergyTom Stepien
CEO, South 8Curtis VanWalleghem
CEO and Co-Founder, Hydrostor -
Cyril Magnin BallroomNext Generations: Who and What to Pay Attention to Now about the Future
Our main-stage time on Tuesday morning will kick off with the following two contributions:
Read more- Next Generation Cleantech: CTG will provide its viewpoints on who and what we will be paying attention to in the years ahead, as well as within the Forum’s two-day agenda.
- Future-Proofing for the Next Generation: The CEO of Singularity University, Rob Nail, will provide his views on the incredible stress all our systems are under, and on the potential – and the threats – inherent in the incredible wealth and power of the next wave of exponential technologies and their disruptive impacts on the incumbent, global industries. In particular, Rob will look at next generation manufacturing and other key mega-trends of the next decade or two. He will also speak about his experiences of companies for which the future caught up with them, even when they were anticipating and trying to make change. Adapting now to the next generation is required, though may not be sufficient.
Richard Youngman
CEO, Cleantech GroupRob Nail
Co-Founder, Singularity University -
Cyril Magnin BallroomCapital Providers for Next Generation Cleantech: Dry Powder is Rising Again
Our main-stage time on Tuesday morning will conclude with the following:
Ready for the Next Cycle: The dry powder available to invest in the next generation of entrepreneurs is on the rise again because of a combination of new players and pioneers evolving and adapting to the needs and realities of the next chapter of the cleantech theme. First, we will hear an update from one such North American pioneer and their portfolio of fund types for the 2018+ chapter.
Read moreA Next Generation Oil & Gas Industry: Whatever the Monday opening session on EVs might conclude, and however a big threat to future oil demand that represents, the reality will remain that the hydrocarbon is all-pervasive across our lives and will remain a massive industry for the foreseeable future.
Dr Pratima will talk to us about her mandate as the head of OGCI Climate Investments, a new $1B fund backed by 10 Oil & Gas majors, to de-carbonize the Oil & Gas industry.
Dr. Pratima Rangarajan
CEO, OGCI Climate InvestmentsAndrée-Lise Méthot
Founder and Managing Partner, Cycle Capital Management -
Cyril Magnin FoyerNetworking Break
Embarcadero RoomNext Generation Mobility Services
This session will draw on the pre-Forum Executive Summit to share some of the key findings and thoughts on where the world of transportation and mobility might be heading, and why; and will focus on what some of today’s current market leaders in mobility services foresee for the next generation of services available to customers, and what new we should be paying attention to.
Chris Thomas
Founder and Partner, Fontinalis PartnersRobin North
CEO and Lead Technologist, Immense SimulationsDebs Schrimmer
Transportation Policy Manager, LyftMark Thomas
VP of Marketing, RideCellUlrich Quay
Managing Director, BMW i Ventures -
Market Street RoomThe Rising Stars
We will hear from five to six CEOs from companies who have made the Global Cleantech 100 for the first time. They will tell us about what they are doing and why their innovation matters – and what impact they will make on the 2020s.
The companies speaking on this session will be announced following the Monday, January 22nd announcement of the latest edition of the Global Cleantech 100 list.
Gina Domanig
Managing Partner, Emerald -
Interaction TrackPowell RoomPower to Gas: In Search Of Its Niche In The Next Generation Energy System
As the nation’s largest natural gas local distribution company, Southern California Gas Company is looking to raise awareness of the importance of advanced gas technologies in the cleantech ecosystem and the potential role of Power-to-Gas (P2G) technology can play in an integrated and distributed clean energy infrastructure.
Read moreSouthern California Gas Company believes that these advanced gas focused technologies can bring environmental, operational, and economic benefits to its customers. This tutorial will consisted of 30 minutes’ presentation led by SoCalGas RD&D team and 10 minutes interactive discussion with the attendees. Major topics include the latest P2G technology including cost reduction trend and potential future advances, case studies of recent deployments in EU and NA, various use cases of P2G, and the investment potential in P2G.
Co-Hosted by: Southern California Gas Company
Ronald Kent
Manager, Advanced Technologies, Strategy & Development, SoCalGasMatt Gregori
Technology Development Manager, SoCalGasKristine Wiley
R&D Manager, Gas Technology Institute -
CEO BriefingFillmore RoomTransforming Industrial Wastewater Via the Combination of Breakthrough Technology + Business Model
The first CEO Briefing will feature Jon Rhone, CEO of Axine Water Technologies.
In slots of 20-30 minutes, we will provide a series of opportunities across Tuesday and Wednesday for about 20 people to join leading CEOs at a “roundtable.” These sessions will be AV- and presentation-free, and are intended to provide intimate and interactive opportunities for you to catch up with the latest on particular leading companies and their CEOs.
The briefings will either examine a particular question or provide updates on recent milestones of the company’s development journey, along with some comments on future prospects.
Jonathan Rhone
CEO, Axine Water Technologies -
Cyril Magnin BallroomGeneral Networking Lunch
Mission RoomLunch Session: Hydrogen Fuel Cell or Battery Electric? What might China’s New Energy Vehicle transportation market look like?
There will be no one answer to how a lower carbon global transportation industry market might look. Different solution mixes will emerge for different geographical markets and for different use cases (from single passenger urban travel to heavy duty, long-distance transportation). This lunch session will explore the role of China and how its ambitions for New Energy Vehicles will influence global technology adoption.
Read moreThere will be a particular focus on the rapid increase in fuel cell activity in China and the impact this is having on Western technology companies, not least exemplified by the tie-ups between Ballard and Zhongshan Broad-Ocean Motor, and between Plug Power and Furui. This session will share some perspectives on what is trending in China and why, from different players within the value chain.
Will Chinese investors do for the hydrogen and fuel cell economy what they have done in the past for solar and wind? What role does hydrogen have in decarbonizing Chinese transportation, industry, and lowering emissions – and what impact will this have globally?
Co-Hosted by: Anglo American Platinum
Andrew Hinkly
CEO AP Ventures, Anglo AmericanAudrey Ma
Director of Business Development, Re-Fire TechnologyJinhua Ma
Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Rugao Economic and Technological Development ZoneCraig Scott
Director, Advanced Technologies Group, ToyotaDaniel Teichmann
Founder & Managing Director, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies -
Embarcadero RoomNext Generation ICT: AI in Energy
From optimizing asset location to balancing the grid and helping consumers reduce their electricity use, artificial intelligence is being deployed throughout the energy value chain. However, with AI being used as a buzzword by so many, it is challenging to discern where it really adds value. Inspired by CTG’s Cutting Edge research series, this session will look at some of the most promising technologies at the intersection of AI and energy, followed by a discussion on the merits and questions AI brings to the industry.
Jules Besnainou
Director, Cleantech for EuropeKumar Dhuvur
Co-Founder & SVP, Product, PowerscoutFrances Raftis
Senior Data Scientist and Software Developer, AwesenseSiddhartha Sachdeva
Founder & CEO, InnowattsDiego Diaz Pilas
Head of New Ventures, Iberdrola -
Market Street RoomOnes to Watch
The Ones to Watch session will feature companies selected from our sister list to the Global Cleantech 100 – the Global Cleantech 100 Ones to Watch – which highlights companies who are rising up the GCT100’s rankings, and getting close to making the final 100 for the first time.
Claude Vachet
Managing Partner, Cycle Capital ManagementJocelyn Boudreau
CEO and Co-founder, HortauJocelyn Doucet
CEO and Co-Founder, PyrowaveThomas Healy
CEO & Founder, HyliionCadir Lee
President and CTO, OhmConnectBill Sims
CEO, Cooledge Lighting -
Interaction TrackPowell RoomNext Generation Construction for the 21st Century
The volume of construction output will grow by 85% to $15.5 trillion worldwide by 2030. Technology platforms such as advanced materials, IoT, drones, robotics, 3D printing and AR are now turning to this huge industry to disrupt the way we plan and construct projects in the future. In this session, we will look to hear perspectives from the innovators and construction companies looking to pioneer the use of new construction techniques.
Co-Hosted by: Israel Export Institute
Zachi Flatto
Construction Innovation Zone Manager, SOSASarah Hodges
Director, Construction Business Line, AutodeskTal Meirzon
CEO, DatumateDavid Wilson
Chief Innovation Officer, Bechtel’s Future FundLincoln Wood
Regional Director of Technology and Innovation, Turner Construction Company -
Transition Break
Embarcadero RoomNext Generation: Spacetech and Satellites
As technological advances continue along a seemingly exponential trajectory, pressure on earth’s resources is reaching a critical point. In this session, we will highlight the visionary exploits of companies that are looking to outer-space for answers to earth’s most pressing questions. With 3D printing, space manufacturing, asteroid mining and satellite technologies, we will highlight the companies at the very cutting edge of what is possible.
Pete Worden
Executive Director, Breakthrough Starshot; former Director of NASA Ames Research CenterRob Coneybeer
Managing Director & Co-Founder, Shasta VenturesJason Dunn
Chief Technology Officer, Made In SpaceFlavia Tata Nardini
CEO, Fleet Space TechnologiesKevin O’Brien
Chief Business Officer, Orbital Insight -
Market Street RoomFledglings & Seedlings: In Search of the Next Generation
In search of the next generation of ideas and startups, we asked a number of leading sources of early-stage innovation across the US – for example, national labs, University TTOs, and accelerator/incubator programs – for some nominations. We picked a mixture, some led by innovators from the next generation, some working on next generation innovations, to come present to us.
We will have 2-3 experienced investor reviewers on hand, on the day, to provide some comments and questions on what they hear.
Deepa Lounsbury
CalSEED Program Manager, CalCefLiam Berryman
CEO, NelumboJorge Elizondo
Co-Founder and Technology Lead, Heila TechnologiesAndrew Hsieh
CEO, FeasibleSarah Richardson
Co-Founder, MicroByreChris Ripley
Founder & CEO, Smarter SortingDavid Snydacker
CEO, Lilac SolutionsSteven Kloos
Partner, Burnt Island VenturesBennett Cohen
Partner, PIVA -
Interaction TrackPowell RoomDeep De-Carbonization: Investment Opportunities in Carbon to Value
This session will build on last year’s Forum session on the potential investment opportunities for investors in carbon to value.
Nicholas Eisenberger will de-brief what he has found this year, exploring carbon to value as an investment theme with family offices and others in partnership with X-Prize and the Government of Canada. He will bring some deal flow examples to the table and will chair an interactive discussion on the investment opportunities.
Nicholas Eisenberger
Managing Partner, PURE Energy PartnersAdrian Corless
Chief Executive Officer, Carbon EngineeringJulio Friedmann
Senior Research Scholar & Lead, CaMRI Project, Columbia UniversityRobert Niven
Chair & CEO, CarbonCure Technologies -
CEO BriefingFillmore RoomEVs and Grid Storage in 2028 – Domination of Li-ion or Emerging Alternatives?
The second CEO Briefing will feature Taavi Madiberk, CEO & Co-Founder of Skeleton Technologies.
Read moreIn slots of 20-30 minutes, we will provide a series of opportunities across Tuesday and Wednesday for about 20 people to join leading CEOs at a “roundtable.” These sessions will be AV- and presentation-free, and are intended to provide intimate and interactive opportunities for you to catch up with the latest on particular leading companies and their CEOs.
Taavi Madiberk
CEO & Co-Founder, Skeleton Technologies -
CEO BriefingFillmore RoomEnabling a Smarter Mining Industry of the Future
The third CEO Briefing will feature Jeff More, CEO of MineSense Technologies.
Read moreIn slots of 20-30 minutes, we will provide a series of opportunities across Tuesday and Wednesday for about 20 people to join leading CEOs at a “roundtable.” These sessions will be AV- and presentation-free, and are intended to provide intimate and interactive opportunities for you to catch up with the latest on particular leading companies and their CEOs.
Jeff More
CEO, MineSense Technologies -
Cyril Magnin FoyerNetworking Break
Embarcadero RoomA Next Generation Industry on the Rise: Legal Cannabis and its Innovation Dynamics
Over 15 years, Cleantech Forums have taken a look at the resource efficiency needs and the innovation dynamics of most mature 20th century industries. Inspired by our next generation theme, here is a relatively new but fast-growing and resource-intensive 21st century industry for us to discover – legal cannabis.
Read moreWhere is this industry today and where is it heading? Given its anticipated growth from a $6B industry in 2016 to a $50B one by 2026, what technologies and innovations are needed in that scale-up phase, and why? Where will that growth happen – indoor, outdoor, in greenhouses, or all of the above? What are the supply chain implications? How energy and resource intensive is this as an industry? Are its needs being met when it comes to being more energy, water and CO2 efficient? What solutions are already being deployed? What additional solutions would be welcomed, and why?
These are some of the questions we seek to address, with the help of a grower, an investor, and an entrepreneur.
David Donnan
Senior Partner, A.T. KearneyBen Larson
Managing Partner, Gateway Accelerator & Venture FundJesse McConnell
CEO, Rubicon Organics -
Market Street RoomNurturing the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs: What does success look like, and for whom?
From ideation labs to incubators, accelerators, and themed co-working spaces, more and more organizations are providing entrepreneurial support services to cleantech companies. Who are they all, and how do their missions and models differ? As platforms and connectors, how do they create value for startups, corporate partners, local authorities, and investors? What are the key metrics they use to demonstrate that value?
Read moreWe will hear from nonprofit, corporate, and publicly-funded organizations about their objectives, how they have evolved over time, and what they are doing to be successful going forward.
Ken-Ichi Hino
Director, Cleantech GroupWade Bitaraf
Director, Energy and Sustainability, Plug and Play Technology CenterJon Dogterom
Managing Director, Cleantech and Physical Sciences Venture Services, MaRS Discovery DistrictNate Gorence
Technology-to-Market Advisor, ARPA-EMilan Poidl
Head of SV Innovation Hub, EnelMark Vasu
Executive Vice President, Greentown Labs -
Interaction TrackPowell RoomThe Methanol Economy: Not All As You Imagine It
The purpose of this interactive session is to broaden our minds and help us understand how widespread the use and applications of, and the market opportunities for, methanol. Are you really aware of what it is used for today, and what it could be transforming tomorrow?
Read more
Expect a short primer on the broad picture of the methanol economy – for example, its use in the construction industry, transportation, foodstuffs and basic cooking – followed by two specific examples of the methanol economy in action.One case study will look at transportation and the need for liquid fuels to supplement electric or battery driven transportation. We will learn about dimethyl ether (DME) as a fuel of the future, one which can be readily synthesized from abundant biomass feedstock, waste gas, biogas or natural gas via a number of well-established chemical processes, and one which has the potential to recycle carbon dioxide, minimize nitrous oxides and create no fugitive methane.
The other concerns the conversion of natural gas into methanol, taking a product that otherwise needs massive scale, compression and/or liquefaction to transport, and turning it into an easily transportable basic chemical building block, producing little physical or environmental footprints along the way. Come discover and learn for yourselves.
Antonio Anselmo
President, ChemBioPowerSteven Murray
CEO, Primus Green Energy -
CEO BriefingFillmore RoomDC Nano Grids: How to introduce the “sharing economy” into distributed grids
The fourth CEO Briefing will feature Olof Heyman, CEO of Ferroamp.
Read moreIn slots of 20-30 minutes, we will provide a series of opportunities across Tuesday and Wednesday for about 20 people to join leading CEOs at a “roundtable.” These sessions will be AV- and presentation-free, and are intended to provide intimate and interactive opportunities for you to catch up with the latest on particular leading companies and their CEOs.
Olof Heyman
CEO, Ferroamp -
CEO BriefingFillmore RoomThe Smart Connected Enterprise
The fifth CEO Briefing will feature Martin Flusberg, CEO of Powerhouse Dynamics.
Read moreIn slots of 20-30 minutes, we will provide a series of opportunities across Tuesday and Wednesday for about 20 people to join leading CEOs at a “roundtable.” These sessions will be AV- and presentation-free, and are intended to provide intimate and interactive opportunities for you to catch up with the latest on particular leading companies and their CEOs.
Martin Flusberg
CEO, Powerhouse Dynamics -
Transition Break
Cyril Magnin BallroomA Next Generation Utility Industry: Visions, Views and Concerns
Our Tuesday agenda will conclude with an examination of what a next generation utility industry might look and feel like.
Read moreCalifornia has committed itself to aggressive GHG reductions (80% of 1990 levels by 2050), for its next generation, and ENGIE has committed itself to deep de-carbonization of its energy and power business activities. How can this be achieved? What technologies and innovations are missing today to achieve the goals set? What are the implications for a utility, and indeed, for industries served by the utilities? What strategic options exist from here?
These are some of the questions we will explore with Steve Malnight, SVP Strategy & Policy at PG&E, and Shankar Krishnamoorthy, EVP at ENGIE.
Margarett Jolly
Director Demonstration Projects – Customer Energy Solutions, Consolidated Edison Company of New YorkSteve Malnight
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Policy, PG&EGrzegorz Gorski
Managing Director Centralized Generation, ENGIE -
Cyril Magnin FoyerTuesday Evening Reception
January 24, 2018
Cyril Magnin FoyerRegistration & Continental Breakfast
Welcome coffee and a light breakfast will be served in the general networking area.
Cyril Magnin BallroomNext Generation Issues: Financing, Venturing and Feeding
Our main stage time on Wednesday morning will be used to kick off the focus of the day’s two main tracks – Next Generation Finance and Next Generation Ag & Food.
Read moreIn the first part, we will look at some of the signals visible today of what the next generation will demand of the finance and investment industry, in line with how the next generation has grown up experiencing an always on and connected world. This leads to democratization and an expectation of transparency and control – things that big finance and indeed all 20th century financial instruments, including venture capital, do not really provide. Prior generations have ceded control to big institutions who invest on our behalves. Change feels afoot generally, but we will take a particular focus on this theme through sustainability investing, through the eyes of a millennial founder of a new hot fintech start-up, Ethic Investing. What Ethic is offering progressives in investing is highly relevant to us as we think about financing the next generation of technologies and innovations.
In the second part, we will explore next generation entrepreneurship through the eyes, viewpoints and experiences of Jeannine Sargent. Across her career, from small companies to big, from being the entrepreneur to public company executive to the investor, Jeannine has seen most things in venture, experiencing multiple economic boom and bust cycles, and a few different technology waves, too. We will seek to draw out her views on the future of innovation through her reflections on the past and lessons learned. These will include discussing the changed context of where innovation comes from, given the decline in corporate research labs, and how structured corporate venture investing could support R&D going forward. She will make the case for what venture capital is relatively good at, and outline the choices the next generation of entrepreneurs will need to make about their sources of capital and the different funding mechanisms. Additionally, she will look to different business models and perhaps a re-set on what constitutes success, particularly when it comes to innovating in the industrial sphere.
In the final part of the morning’s opening, to help set up the three Ag & Food sessions that follow, Will Rosenzweig will provide us with his views on the key drivers and trends disrupting the Ag & Food worlds, an understanding of why food is different and why Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods changes everything. Plus, we will gain some of his insights into how the supply chains may evolve in the coming years, driven by automation, biology and information technology.
Richard Youngman
CEO, Cleantech GroupJay Lipman
Co-Founder & President, EthicJeannine Sargent
Senior Advisor, Generation Investment ManagementWill Rosenzweig
Founder and Chair, Food Venture Lab -
Transition Break
Next-Gen: Ag & FoodEmbarcadero RoomFeeding the World Through Digital Agriculture
Our three-session Next Generation Agriculture & Food series will center on the question of feeding the world’s growing population, providing you some thought-provoking viewpoints on next generation technologies and innovations in the agriculture & food value chain. The first session will focus on the digitization of agriculture, diving deep into transformative areas such as precision agriculture, plant data analytics, and farm management.
Read moreWe will hear from various stakeholders across the ecosystem – the corporates, investors, startups, and technology adopters – to have a meaningful discussion towards the adoption of digital agricultural technologies.
Co-Hosted by: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN2)
Laura Shenkar
Founder and Principal, Artemis Water StrategySanjeev Krishnan
Managing Director and CIO, S2G VenturesChris Paterson
Digital Farming Lead for North America, Bayer CropScienceWade Barnes
President & CEO, Farmers EdgeRob O’Reilly
Senior Technical Staff Precision Ag and Industrial Monitoring, Analog DevicesAshley Grosh
Vice President, Breakthrough Energy -
Market Street RoomNext Generation Finance for Industrial Innovation
The traditional fixed-term venture capital fund model has more often than not proved an imperfect tool for getting hard-tech to scale in industrial sectors. Technology development and sales cycles in highly regulated industries often take longer than the next new gaming app might take to recruit 100 million users, but the need of limited partners to eventually see returns on investment does not change.
Read moreA number of people in our ecosystem are therefore focused on new models for commercialization of new products and services that either help to supplement venture capital, precede it, or avoid it altogether. One thing is becoming clear – there is no silver bullet. In this mini-block, with the opportunity to extend the discussions into lunch, we’ll look to catalyze a discussion led by purveyors of some of these new models of when and where to plug in various types of funding and facilitation – and how replicable the combinations and order might be for future ventures.
Veery Maxwell
Director, Energy InnovationGeoffrey Eisenberg
Principal, Ecosystem Integrity FundCatha Groot
Director, Radicle ImpactJoshua Posamentier
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Congruent VenturesMatthew Nordan
Head of Investment Committee, PRIME CoalitionMatt Price
Managing Director, Partnerships, Cyclotron Road -
CEO BriefingTracking and Measuring GHG Emissions for Next Generation Industry
The sixth CEO Briefing will feature Stéphane Germain, CEO of GHGSat.
Read moreIn slots of 20-30 minutes, we will provide a series of opportunities across Tuesday and Wednesday for about 20 people to join leading CEOs at a “roundtable.” These sessions will be AV- and presentation-free, and are intended to provide intimate and interactive opportunities for you to catch up with the latest on particular leading companies and their CEOs.
Stéphane Germain
President & CEO, GHGSat -
Cyril Magnin FoyerNetworking Break
Next-Gen: Ag & FoodEmbarcadero RoomSustainable Food System – Bridging the Gap Between Farm and Table
Building on our discussion around next generation digital agriculture, this session will focus on the development of a sustainable food system. Specifically, we will zoom in on hot topics around food access, food security and, taking a step further, food replacements. We will highlight the various technologies and best practices that are needed to ensure the growing population will have sufficient access to safe and nutritious food.
Co-Hosted by: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN2)
Andrew Beebe
Managing Director, Obvious VenturesChris Mallett
Corporate Vice President, Research & Development, CargillWill Rosenzweig
Founder and Chair, Food Venture LabSam Schatz
Managing Director, AeroFarmsMichael Selden
CEO & Co-Founder, Finless FoodsSasan Amini
Co-founder and CEO, Clear Labs -
Market Street RoomNext Generation Finance for Early Commercial Deployments
After development of an innovative new technology or service often comes the question of how to finance early demonstrations or commercial deployments for first customers. There is usually still too much risk for big banks to play here, while financing projects out of company equity can create too much risk for both a technology supplier and its customers. New players have emerged here, with the industry experience to evaluate projects and an eye toward packaging many similar small projects together to create cash flow streams sufficient to interest potential investors. Perhaps insurance houses can also play a role. In this session we’ll hear what’s now thought possible from those advancing the front lines of early project finance.
Co-Hosted by: Morrison & Foerster LLP
Jeff Kayes
Partner, Morrison & FoersterRaj Atluru
Managing Director, Activate CapitalRob Day
General Partner, Spring Lane CapitalScott Jacobs
CEO and Co-Founder, Generate Capital -
CEO BriefingNovel Technologies for Next Generation Water and Gas Infrastructure
The seventh CEO Briefing will feature Dan Squiller, CEO of Aquam.
Read moreIn slots of 20-30 minutes, we will provide a series of opportunities across Tuesday and Wednesday for about 20 people to join leading CEOs at a “roundtable.” These sessions will be AV- and presentation-free, and are intended to provide intimate and interactive opportunities for you to catch up with the latest on particular leading companies and their CEOs.
Dan Squiller
CEO, Aquam -
Cyril Magnin BallroomGeneral Networking Lunch
Mission RoomLunch Session: Catch-up with Next Generation India: Power and Opportunity For All
In its 70 years since independence, India has added 3 times the population of the US today. Sometime in the 2020s, it will surpass China as the most populous country on earth. What India’s next generation energy, power and transportation markets look like matters – to us all.
Read moreThis lunch session will look at the groundwork being laid by the Modi government, in terms of accelerating its power and transportation sectors toward a lower carbon future. We will particularly focus on three areas and the opportunities for us all within these themes – the rise of renewables generally, the rise of rooftop solar specifically, and the rise of new businesses and new business models in mobility.
Judy Fairburn
Board Chair, Alberta InnovatesPankaj Sehgal
Senior Managing Director, Investments, SUN GroupKarthik Chandrasekar
Founder & CEO, Sangam VenturesSamar Singla
CEO, JugnooGireesh Shrimali
Director, India program, Climate Policy Initiative -
Next-Gen: Ag & FoodEmbarcadero RoomBiotechnology Applications in Agriculture & Food
The last session of our Next Generation Agriculture & Food series will focus on biotechnology applications in the agriculture & food sector. We will discuss the impact of biotechnology in modernizing agriculture and food production, and explore innovative technologies such as plant genomics, bio-based pesticides, and alternative sources of animal feed.
Co-Hosted by: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN2)
Andrew Haughian
General Partner, Pangaea VenturesMatthew Crisp
President & CEO, Benson Hill BiosystemsVonnie Estes
Independent ConsultantChris Mallett
Corporate Vice President, Research & Development, CargillEna Cratsenburg
Chief Business Officer, Ginkgo BioworksRoger Wyse
Managing Partner, Spruce Capital Partners -
Market Street RoomBlockchain in Energy & Industry: A Growing Intersection
Blockchain has been a major area of interest for the energy sector over the past couple of years. With growing traction, distributed ledger technology could power the future of energy, industry and mobility. But for all its potential, blockchain is still a nascent technology, and questions around use cases, technology readiness and business models abound. In this session, with learnings from our November Executive Summit on the topic, we will hear from some of the top innovators and corporate adopters to go beyond the hype and provide elements of answers to these questions.
Jules Besnainou
Director, Cleantech for EuropeBob O’Connor
Partner, Emerging Companies Practice, Energy & Infrastructure, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & RosatiRanga Krishnan
Vice President, Technology, SkuchainJesse Morris
Foundation Council Member, Energy Web FoundationLawrence Orsini
CEO, LO3 EnergyFlorian Kolb
Managing Director, innogy New Ventures -
Cyril Magnin FoyerNetworking Break
Embarcadero RoomCompany Showcase: Next Generation Innovations for Buildings
In search of the next generation of ideas and startups, we found some early-stage ideas and companies focused on building technologies. In this showcase expect to hear about novel optics, next-gen glazing technologies, the “Bose of aircon,” and electrochemical CO2 removal for indoor air quality.
We will have 2-3 experienced investor reviewers on hand, on the day, to provide some comments and questions on what they hear.
Yoachim Haynes
Vice President of Strategy, Europe, Energy Impact PartnersDivyaraj Desai
Member of the Research Staff in the Energy Systems and Materials Group, PARCPeter Kozodoy
Founder & CEO, Glint PhotonicsMatt Miller
CEO & Chief Engineer, NativusSergey Vasylyev
CEO, Lucent OpticsLance Wheeler
Research Scientist, National Renewable Energy LaboratoryCassie Bowe
Principal, Energy Impact PartnersAlfred Lam
Vice President, Chrysalix -
Market Street RoomCompany Showcase: Next Generation Innovations for the Solar Market
In search of the next generation of ideas and startups, we found some early-stage ideas and companies focused on solar technologies. In this showcase expect to hear about solutions that optimize and further professionalize existing solar installations, with other solutions to help further expand solar installations.
We will have 2-3 experienced investor reviewers on hand, on the day, to provide some comments and questions on what they hear.
Ken-Ichi Hino
Director, Cleantech GroupSubin DeVar
Director, Community Renewable Energy Program, Sustainable Economies Law CenterOmeed Badkoobeh
Founder & CEO, Yotta SolarRoy Joseph
CEO, Simplify SolarHaggai Hofland
CEO, Founder RayCatchMike Green
CEO, iPV SolarShaun Healey
Principal, BP VenturesDanny Kennedy
Managing Director, California Clean Energy Fund -
Transition Break
Cyril Magnin BallroomAll of the Above, One Year On: Time for a Look Across All Energy Technologies and Their Future Potentialities?
Under Ernest Moniz’s tenure at the US Department of Energy, the US’s energy policy was often referred to as “all of the above,” meant to capture the idea that all forms of energy had a part to play in the future energy mix, even if lowering carbon emissions was an explicit lens through which “all of the above” was to be carried out.
Read moreIn this same time slot in 2017 (on the 3rd working day of the Trump administration), we had a lively panel session, tasked with the hard job of speculating what would change under the new presidency. One year on, we think it opportune and useful to revisit and take a look at where we are, with regards to all the potential energy technologies – from coal to renewables, from carbon capture to fusion.
The objective is to assemble a group of panelists who are au courant with the policies and politics, as well as (perhaps more critically) the economics of all of the above, and so who can help us take away a balanced and realistic view of how much has changed, and how little or much politics can trump the underlying economics.
Robert Zabors
CEO, Enovation PartnersMalcolm Handley
Founder & Managing Partner, Strong AtomicsWill Latta
CEO, LP AminaPhil Redman
ESG Director, OneTrustHugh Wynne
Co-head of Utilities and Renewable Energy Research, SSR LLC -
Cyril Magnin BallroomClosing Words
Cyril Magnin FoyerClosing Reception
Thank you for joining us for our 16th annual Cleantech Forum San Francisco! We hope to see you next year.
Cleantech Forum San Francisco 2018 will be headquartered at Parc 55 San Francisco, a modern and spacious hotel located just steps away from Union Square, the Powell Street cable car turnaround, and the Moscone Center. With a contemporary design geared for both corporate and leisure guests, the hotel is an exceptional place to stay while visiting San Francisco. Parc 55 boasts 1,024 accommodating guest rooms, a full service 24-hour fitness center, and an array of dining options.
Hotel rooms have historically filled very quickly for Cleantech Forum San Francisco. We encourage you to book your room at the special Cleantech Group delegate rate of $279.00 per room per night. Our hotel block deadline is December 31, 2017, or until rooms run out. Available room nights for this rate are between January 20-25, with more limited availability on January 20-21 and January 24-25.
You can also call the hotel directly using the phone number below and referencing our event code:
Phone Number: +1 415-392-8000
Code: CLN
Parc 55 San Francisco
55 Cyril Magnin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States
Phone: +1 415-392-8000

Dick Alexander
EVP, Business Development and Innovation, Transdev North America Speaker bioDick Alexander

Dick Alexander oversees business development efforts for Transdev North America and has helped the business grow to $1.6 billion in revenues over his 15-year tenure with the company.
Dick is responsible for developing partnerships with cities, counties and transit agencies to manage and operate public transit systems, ranging from small start-up projects, to large transportation entities. He is also responsible for business development opportunities in the Rail, Streetcar, Paratransit and On Demand divisions of the company.
He is leading Transdev North America’s efforts to marry innovative technology to the growing mobility needs of cities and communities. His efforts have contributed to the implementation of a first/last-mile app and platform in Tampa, and the nation’s first AV shuttle network near Fort Myers, Florida.
Dick is deeply experienced in structuring business relationships and contracts client objectives to ensure high standards for quality, efficiency and passenger care. He leads many of the company’s strategic initiatives including innovative technology partnerships, service design and new product development.
Dick started his career in the transit industry as a transportation planner and later a system manager. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning and Design from the University of Cincinnati and a Master’s of Business Administration from Xavier University.

Todd Allmendinger
Director of Research, Cleantech GroupTodd Allmendinger


Sasan Amini
Co-founder and CEO, Clear Labs Speaker bioSasan Amini

Sasan has a passion for applying new technologies to solve real world problems and promote healthy living. After many years of experience in the life sciences, he decided to combine his passion and expertise to start Clear Labs with the mission of making food transparent. After getting his PhD in Genomics from Princeton, Sasan spent a few years in the Advanced Research department at Illumina, working on the most state-of-the-art Genomics approaches and platforms. Sasan received his B.Sc. in Biotechnology from the University of Tehran, where he entered as a gold medalist in the International Biology Olympiad. While in college, he served as the youngest Board member of the Iranian National Biology Olympiad Committee and authored a problem book on Mendelian Genetics which has been re-printed 10 times over the past decade. He holds multiple patents and publications in the field.

Antonio Anselmo
President, ChemBioPower Speaker bioAntonio Anselmo

Dr. Anselmo is a principal at Altametric and a founder of The Allocated Materials Management Company. Dr. Anselmo is a recognized world-class expert in the fields of advanced particle accelerators, plasma physics, system engineering and financial engineering. He is an expert on the design and control of complex systems. Dr. Anselmo worked for 12 years at J.P. Morgan Chase in the Financial Engineering and Electronic Commerce groups in the Investment Bank. Prior to this, he was a Scientist at Varian Associates for 4 years designing accelerator and radar systems. He has written numerous scientific papers on nuclear fuel chain optimization, particle accelerators and complex systems. He holds a B.Sc., M. Eng. and Ph.D. from Cornell University and an M.B.A. from the Amos Tuck School at Dartmouth College. He was a McMullen Honorary Scholar and a Teagle Graduate Fellow at Cornell and an Edward Tuck Scholar and Adams Entrepreneurial Award Winner at Dartmouth.

Raj Atluru
Managing Director, Activate Capital Speaker bioRaj Atluru

Raj Atluru has been investing in the energy and resource sectors for 19 years.
Previously, Raj was a co-founder of Silver Lake Kraftwerk, a growth equity fund focused on late stage private companies across the energy and resource sectors. From 2000 until 2011, Raj lead the cleantech practice at the venture fund of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, one of the premier early stage venture funds in Silicon Valley. DFJ was an early investor in notable companies including Tesla Motors, Solar City, EnerNOC, Brightsource Energy and Sea Micro. From 1996 to 2000, Raj worked on energy and technology investing for TL Ventures.
Raj has served on several private and public boards, and co-founded DFJ Element with David Lincoln in 2005 – at the time, the largest fund ever raised for the cleantech sector.
Raj is also a founder of the Spotlight Foundation, focused on grants to educational entrepreneurs globally. He has keynoted numerous conferences dedicated to sustainability and innovation, and currently serves on the advisory board of the Cleantech Investors Forum, the premier conference in the sector.
Raj has both a BS and MS in Environmental Engineering from Stanford University as well as an MBA also from Stanford.

Omeed Badkoobeh
Founder & CEO, Yotta Solar Speaker bioOmeed Badkoobeh

Omeed Badkoobeh is a co-founder and CEO of Yotta Solar, a startup with a focus on simplified energy storage innovations for micro-grids. SolarLEAF™ is the world’s first thermal regulated battery designed to integrate with solar module installation.
Omeed brings a successful background in business development and sales in the solar industry and has been fortunate to work in a variety of fields across different continents, bringing together technical innovation and environmental sustainability for everyday living. Inspired by travels across islands throughout Asia and clients seeking simple off-grid solar solutions, he set out to create a product that would bring reliable access to solar energy+storage to the global marketplace

Yaron Ben Nun
CEO, Nostromo Energy Speaker bioYaron Ben Nun

I was a jet fighter pilot for almost a decade, then I became a moviemaker- directed documentaries, music videos and TV commercials for another one, but one day I felt a huge emptiness. I started to ask myself what will stay after I’m gone, did I take less than I gave? of course not. I took much more than I’ve given back. That thought was horrifying.
At the age of 39, I’ve decided to change the course of my life and dive into the Energy arena, where I felt I might find my way. Working for two startups and 7 years later I had a feeling that I might have found the thing I was searching: an idea that was worth taking a risk for.
I’ve raised $200K, founded Nostromo, gathered few very talented people, took over an abandoned barn and transformed it into a research laboratory, in which we’ve developed a revolutionary thermal energy storage cell.
This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever built and I hope it is just the first step towards designing and executing a state of the art energy storage system that will change the grid as we know it.

Wade Barnes
President & CEO, Farmers Edge Speaker bioWade Barnes

Wade Barnes is a pioneer in the Precision Agriculture movement and one of the foremost agronomists in North America. Raised as a grower in rural Manitoba, Canada, Wade founded Farmers Edge in 2005 and over the last decade has expanded both the company and the range of grower-based solutions Farmers Edge offers to encompass 4 continents and 5 countries. Leading a team of 300+ dedicated agronomists, technology innovators, and sustainability experts, Wade is focused on increasing sustainable farm yields to feed the world’s 9B by 2050.
In his role as President & CEO, Barnes has grown Farmers Edge into the preeminent provider of precision agriculture platforms and independent data management solutions for growers worldwide. The Company’s Variable Rate Technology has become the de facto in on-farm best practices for the world’s major grower basins from North America’s Midwest, to the Krasnodar in Russia, Australia’s New South Wales and Mato Grosso in Brazil, just to name a few. Under his leadership, Farmers Edge has partnered with agriculture’s largest multinationals, from Dow to The Weather Company, an IBM business, to further agricultural sustainability, responsible supply-chains, and advanced agronomy. His experiences, both as a grower and as an entrepreneur, have made him a trusted voice, and he is regularly invited to speak on the impact of advanced technologies, emerging carbon markets and the role these play in our evolving agricultural supply chains.
Program Information

Andrew Beebe
Managing Director, Obvious Ventures Speaker bioAndrew Beebe

Andrew brings to Obvious Ventures a lifelong passion for building companies around sustainable systems and people power.
For over a decade, Andrew has focused on clean technology and clean energy solutions. He started down the clean tech path with Energy Innovations in 2003, which he grew from a business plan to a major solar developer serving customers like Google, Disney, Sony Pictures, and British Telecom.
After selling the company to Suntech in 2008, Andrew served as Chief Commercial Officer at Suntech as well as Vice President of Global Product Strategy. During his tenure, Suntech became the largest solar company in the world.
After leaving Suntech, Andrew spent two years as Vice President of Distributed Generation for Nextera Energy, the largest clean energy developer in the US.
Before his clean tech career, Andrew spent a decade building companies in the early days of “Web 1.0.” In 1998 Andrew co-founded Bigstep.com, an e-commerce platform designed to serve the needs of small businesses entering the Internet age. He has been supporting the enterprising ideas of people power ever since.
Andrew serves on the Board of Directors for Sighten and Plant Prefab and as a Board Observer for Enbala, Lilium, and Proterra. He is also a member of the NREL Investor Advisory Board, as well serving on the Board of Managers at Energy Accelerator.
A graduate from Dartmouth College, Andrew lives in Burlingame, CA with his wife and three children. When he’s not helping to build early stage companies, Andrew builds wooden boats and furniture.
Andrew was born in New York City and spent his formative years on an avocado ranch in Ojai, California.

Liam Berryman
CEO, Nelumbo Speaker bioLiam Berryman

Liam specializes in building and leading teams, having previously formed multiple accomplished groups in areas ranging from competitive engineering to community activism to research and development. His own research at UC Berkeley developed a novel synthesis technique of polymer microspheres which he co-authored a publication and patent on. Liam holds a board seat on the California Section Executive Committee of the American Chemical Society, advising on recruitment and community operations. Liam has participated in the Hive Global Leaders Summit for executive training and is a proud Senior Fellow of the Kairos Society (entrepreneurship) and Fellow of Tau Beta Pi (engineering honors).
Most recently Liam has focused on building Nelumbo as Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO. Since inception, Nelumbo has grown from three co-founders to a team of seven, developed two products, raised seed and Series A funding, and signed on first customers. The company is now focused on growing its customer base and scaling manufacturing.
Liam was listed on the 2018 Forbes 30 under 30 list for Energy and has been a featured speaker at a wide range of conferences, including: NREL Industry Growth Forum, Energy & Impact Symposium, Cleantech Open, Verge, Hive, National Investment Banking Association (NIBA), SinBerBEST, and the Cleantech University Prize. He was recently accepted as a member of the Young Entrepreneurship Council (YEC).
In his free time Liam runs, reads, and occasionally goes surfing.

Jules Besnainou
Director, Cleantech for Europe Speaker bioJules Besnainou

Jules Besnainou is the Executive Director of Cleantech for Europe, the initiative helping the EU lead the race to net zero by bridging the gap between cleantech leaders and policymakers. He was previously a director at Cleantech Group, where he advised the world’s foremost cleantech investors, corporates and governments, helping them assess and invest in new innovations. After starting his career in San Francisco and London, he moved back to France to head the group’s EU presence and clients. Jules graduated summa cum laude from Sciences Po Paris.

Wade Bitaraf
Director, Energy and Sustainability, Plug and Play Technology Center Speaker bioWade Bitaraf

Wade leads the Energy and Sustainability initiative at Plug and Play Technology Center. He’s responsible for managing corporate relationships and startup facing. His passion is in serving startups at the intersection of technology and business.
Wade has co-authored multiple scientific articles in peer reviewed journals. He holds a master of science degree in Chemical engineering from Lamar university and master degree in Petroleum and Natural gas engineering from West Virginia University.

Sam Schatz
Managing Director, AeroFarms Speaker bioSam Schatz

Sam Schatz, Managing Director of Corporate Development for AeroFarms, a clean-technology company that builds and operates responsible, state-of-the art indoor vertical farms in urban environments around the world, helping set new standards for culinary freshness and flavor. Recognized by Inc.com at one of the top 25 Disruptive Companies changing business around the world, AeroFarms is a Certified B Corporation that has been recognized as a Circular Economy 100 company, won the World Technology Award for most impactful Environmental Company, was voted Most Innovative Company at the Future of Agriculture conference, the Best Growth Company to invest in at the Wall Street Journal’s ECO:nomics conference, and was a finalist for The Circular Awards of The World Economic Forum.
Sam joined AeroFarms as the first employee after the company founders in 2012. As Managing Director of Corporate Development, Sam’s main focus is on the company’s expansion to new markets and siting across the globe. Previous experience includes Berlin based Wermuth Asset Management where he advised on investments into privately-held clean technology companies and London-based Active Earth Investments where he led investment into listed mining and mid-cap industrial companies with a focus on socially responsible business practices and solutions. Sam is a recipient of the prestigious Alfa Fellowship and received his Masters in Management from the London School of Economics where he was the President and Founder of the Graduate Management Society and his Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University where he served on the Student Advisory Board to the Columbia University Earth Institute.

Jocelyn Boudreau
CEO and Co-founder, Hortau Speaker bioJocelyn Boudreau

Jocelyn Boudreau is CEO and co-founder of Hortau. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering and a Masters degree in soil physics from Laval University (Québec, Canada). Early in his career, Jocelyn worked at Laval University as a research assistant, helping with the development of a sub-irrigation system in capillary mat for container crops, greenhouse and nursery.
He then acted as a tech consultant for various irrigation, soil physics and technical sales projects, before co-founding Hortau in 2002. He played a key role in the company’s start-up phase, from the business plan and strategy, financing, building and managing a high-level team, as well as the execution of the company’s growth strategy.
Jocelyn is currently responsible for managing the company’s human and financial resources, coordinating the team, strategic planning and also preparing and managing the company’s board meetings. Jocelyn currently lives with his family in San Luis Obispo, Calif, operating out of Hortau’s U.S. headquarters, where he works closely with the sales, marketing and tech support teams on the company’s growth territory.

Doron Brenmiller
EVP, Brenmiller Energy Speaker bioDoron Brenmiller

Doron is leading the Global business development and sales activities at Brenmiller Energy, an innovation oriented company with vast experience in developing groundbreaking technologies. Brenmiller Energy has developed a new way to handle energy storage in a cost efficient and environmentally friendly way by utilizing its thermal storage generation unit – the bGen™.
Doron Holds an MBA from Insead Business School in France and a B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics engineering from Tel Aviv University.

Bill Capp
Founder, Grid Storage ConsultingBill Capp


Paige Carratturo
CEO & Co-Founder, Sea Change Speaker bioPaige Carratturo

Paige Carratturo is the Co-founder and CEO of Sea Change, a talent venture firm that provides advisory, business intelligence and retained search services to climate tech investors and their portfolio companies as well as some of the largest global corporations that are transforming their executive teams in order to meet the complex demands of moving to a more sustainable and climate-focused operating model. At Sea Change Advisors, she drives thought leadership and leads advisory services and C-level recruiting. Paige co-founded Sea Change as an evolution of the Enertech Search Partners brand, which was founded in 2009. Paige is a thought leader and frequent speaker about topics related to talent strategy, leadership development, acquisition, and retention.

Karthik Chandrasekar
Founder & CEO, Sangam Ventures Speaker bioKarthik Chandrasekar

Karthik started Sangam to find a new model to provide early stage support for climate change pioneers. He spends a lot of his time with the portfolio & within the clean technology eco-system in India & globally.

Rob Coneybeer
Managing Director & Co-Founder, Shasta Ventures Speaker bioRob Coneybeer

Rob is a founder of Shasta Ventures and a 20-year veteran of the Silicon Valley venture capital industry. At Shasta Ventures, Rob focuses on investing in emerging platforms – Robotics, Space, the Connected Home and AR/VR. His investments include Nest (acquired by Google), Eero, Fetch Robotics, Turo and Vector Space Systems. Earlier in his career, Rob served as a lead integration engineer in the Astro Space division of Martin Marietta, where he helped build the first EchoStar spacecraft. Rob earned an MS degree in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Virginia. He also holds an MBA degree from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was named a Palmer Scholar.

Adrian Corless
Chief Executive Officer, Carbon Engineering Speaker bioAdrian Corless

Adrian has served as CEO at Carbon Engineering since 2013, where he has led the team that designed, built and tested the world’s first scalable atmospheric CO2 capture pilot plant. Adrian previously served at Plug Power as Chief Technology Officer, successfully leading its industrial fuel cell product development and commercialization efforts. Adrian also spent a year in France supporting the creation of a JV between Plug Power and Air Liquide to bring the product line to Europe. Adrian received a Master’s Degree from the University of Victoria and is a registered P.Eng in the Province of British Columbia.

Rafael Coven
Managing Director, Cleantech Group’s Cleantech Indices Speaker bioRafael Coven

Rafael Coven is managing director of the Cleantech Group’s Cleantech indices. He has a combination of extensive cleantech industry and institutional investor experience, and has spent most of the last 30 years in cleantech as a manager, entrepreneur, equity investor and management consultant.
Rafael has global experience working with or consulting to such leading cleantech firms as Abengoa, Dynatech, Philips Lighting, Siemens, and numerous private equity and venture capital investors in the sector. During the 1990s, Rafael was an international equity analyst at Dietche & Field Advisors where he evaluated, made, and managed a US $700 million segment of the firm’s $5.6 billion equity holdings (including many cleantech companies). He has also founded three cleantech companies and still actively reviews numerous cleantech businesses. He has lived and worked in several countries and speaks Italian and Spanish.
He holds a B.A in Developmental Economics from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School. Based in Baltimore, Maryland, Rafael is a CFA level II candidate.

Matthew Crisp
President & CEO, Benson Hill Biosystems Speaker bioMatthew Crisp

Matt is an accomplished executive with a strong background in the rapid growth and early commercialization phases of technology companies. Prior to co-founding Benson Hill Biosystems, he was the President of the Agricultural Biotechnology Division and Senior Vice President at Intrexon Corporation (NYSE:XON), a leading synthetic biology company. In addition to launching the company’s agbiotech efforts, Matt worked with Intrexon for more than five years, serving in multiple executive roles and on its Board of Directors. Prior to formally joining Intrexon in early 2011, Matt was a Managing Director at Third Security, LLC, a globally recognized venture capital firm. During his time there, Matt focused on corporate development and worked closely with numerous private and public companies in the life science and technology sectors, as well as with NewVa Capital Partners, LP, an early-stage private equity fund focused on investments in southwestern Virginia. He also served on numerous boards of companies representing first-in-class and best-in-class technologies and led the firm’s west coast operations from 2008 until 2011. Matt holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Radford University, where he currently serves on the College of Business and Economics Advisory Council and on the Radford University Foundation Board of Directors as its President.

Rob Day
General Partner, Spring Lane Capital Speaker bioRob Day

Rob Day has been a sustainable resources private equity investor since 2004, and acts or has served as a Director, Observer and advisory board member to multiple companies in the energy tech and related sectors. Rob also serves on the Board at the New England Clean Energy Council. From 2005-2016 he authored the column Cleantech Investing, which appeared on GreentechMedia.com, and co-hosted several conferences with that group on the topic of new investment models for the sustainability sector.
Formerly a consultant with Bain & Company, Rob has worked with companies and evaluated private equity transactions in the energy/ utilities, telecom, IT, medical/pharmaceutical, and retail industries. Earlier in his career, Rob was a member of the World Resources Institute’s Sustainable Enterprise Program, where he co-authored the report The Next Bottom Line: Making Sustainable Development Tangible. Rob received his MBA at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University), and his BA at Swarthmore College.

Divyaraj Desai
Member of the Research Staff in the Energy Systems and Materials Group, PARC Speaker bioDivyaraj Desai

Divyaraj Desai is a Member of the Research Staff in the Energy Systems and Materials group at PARC. His areas of expertise include electrochemical systems for energy storage, electrochemical sensors, solid-state ion transport, desalination and high-temperature systems. At PARC, Divyaraj has contributed to the development of an intermediate-temperature hydrocarbon fuel cell to directly produce electricity from natural gas, an ambient pressure electrochemical seawater desalination system, an intermediate-temperature ammonia synthesis process. Recently, his idea for a CO2 removal system for improving building efficiency and occupant health was selected by the California Clean Energy fund (CALCEF) for a seedling award.
Dr. Desai received his Ph.D. from the City University of New York, where he worked on flow-assisted alkaline zinc batteries. He also holds an M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Southern California. His contributions include 10 filed patents (4 granted) and 8 journal publications that reflect his diverse research interests.

Subin DeVar
Director, Community Renewable Energy Program, Sustainable Economies Law Center Speaker bioSubin DeVar

Subin DeVar directs the Sustainable Economies Law Center’s Community Renewable Energy Program, engaging in outreach and advocacy to transition communities away from fossil fuel-based energy, without using predominant business models that result in widening gaps between the rich and poor. He works to break down legal barriers to community-owned renewable energy through policy advocacy, public education, and developing new legal models. Through the Law Center’s Energy Program, Subin’s current focus is piloting the Permanent Community Energy Cooperative — a legal model to enable widespread grassroots crowd-financing of new energy projects designed for long-term community ownership and control.
Subin grew up in in Houston, Texas, studied business and government at the University of Texas, and spent four years working in the Washington, DC area within the field of nonprofit communications. He received his JD from the UC Berkeley School of Law in 2015, during which time he interned at Communities for a Better Environment, the Center for Biological Diversity, and the Natural Resources Defense Counsel. Subin is passionate about building hope that humanity can respond to climate change in an equitable and transformational manner.

Kumar Dhuvur
Co-Founder & SVP, Product, Powerscout Speaker bioKumar Dhuvur

Kumar Dhuvur is a Co-Founder and SVP, Product at PowerScout, a big-data enabled eCommerce platform for clean energy products. He is passionate about clean energy and is a results-oriented leader with experience in data driven analytics to solving big market problems. Kumar has received an MBA from Wharton and has served as an advisor at McKinsey & Company. Prior to McKinsey, Kumar led data driven marketing at Capital One Bank.

Jon Dogterom
Managing Director, Cleantech and Physical Sciences Venture Services, MaRS Discovery District Speaker bioJon Dogterom

Jon Dogterom is the Managing Director of Cleantech and Physical Sciences Venture Services at MaRS Discovery District. MaRS Cleantech assists innovative Canadian energy, water, agri-tech, advanced materials and manufacturing companies in growing their businesses with connections to; customers, capital, partners and talent. Jon also founded, and is on the Advisory Board of the Advanced Energy Centre, a public- private partnership guiding utilities and organizations in our rapidly shifting energy sector, helping them plan for the future, and adopt new methodologies and business models. He is also on the Board of the Ontario Clean Water Agency, and a member of the Ontario Smart Grid Forum. He has an extensive background in early-stage and high-growth Cleantech companies. Prior to joining MaRS, Jon led business development for Hydrogenics Corporation, where he focused on strategic partnerships, product development, and sales and marketing. He also co-founded Sustainable Energy Technologies, a leading Canadian provider of power electronics for the solar power industry.

Gina Domanig
Managing Partner, Emerald Speaker bioGina Domanig

Gina Domanig is the Managing Partner of Emerald Technology Ventures, a globally recognized investor in the areas of energy, water and materials, having invested in sixty companies to date. In 2000, she founded Emerald which is one of the largest industrial technology-focused venture capital firms in Europe and North America. Gina currently serves on the boards of GeoDigital International Inc, Metgen Oy, TaKaDu Inc, and Ushr Inc.
In addition to Emerald activities, Gina serves on the board of Die Mobiliar Genossenschaft, the fourth largest insurance company in Switzerland, and u-blox AG, a global leader in wireless communications and positioning semiconductors.
Gina has over 30 years of international business experience including banking, M&A, strategic development, and venture capital. Prior to starting Emerald, she was senior vice president at Sulzer, a Swiss multinational, responsible for strategic planning and M&A. Gina holds MBA degrees from Thunderbird in Arizona and ESADE in Barcelona and is fluent in English, German and Spanish. She is based Emerald’s Zurich, Switzerland office.

David Donnan
Senior Partner, A.T. Kearney Speaker bioDavid Donnan

David Donnan is a Senior Partner with A.T. Kearney, a global management consulting firm based in Chicago. He is an experienced business leader and consultant with significant global experience in agriculture, food and retail industries. During his career David has managed operating companies, run food plants and consulted to leading global retail and consumer product companies in technology and supply chain strategies, brand growth and positioning. He currently works with food startups in the Chicago area as a mentor.
Dave is widely recognized as an industry leader with a diverse background who actively speaks and writes on topics of importance to the agriculture, food and beverage, retail, and restaurant industries. He has presented at a variety of industry conferences for the Grocery Manufacturers Association, Food Marketing Institute, National Restaurant Association, International Grain Transportation Conference and the Retail Council of Canada. He has also appeared on Bloomberg TV and is quoted in various business journals including Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.
Dave earned his Masters of Business Administration at the University of Toronto Rotman School Of Business and his Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto. He lives in Chicago with his wife Karen.

Jocelyn Doucet
CEO and Co-Founder, Pyrowave Speaker bioJocelyn Doucet

Jocelyn Doucet holds a Chemical Engineering Degree and Ph. D. from Ecole Polytechnique (Montreal, 2004 and 2008) where he is also adjunct professor since 2011.
While completing his Ph. D., he founded Kengtek Engineering, a company specialized in process engineering with a strong emphasize on developing and executing the research and development needed to properly scale-up processes to the industrial and commercial level. This is where he developed more than 20 industrial processes and patents for worldwide clients. His entrepreneurial and engineering skills have made him grow the company every year in various sectors by partnering with larger engineering firms and research centres and by successfully solving complex problems in very innovative ways. As a result of his leadership and dedication to work, he was recognized as one of the greatest young entrepreneur in Canada as 2013 finalist of the BDC Young Entrepreneur Award. He also received the Rogers New Technology award for Pyrowave in 2013 and won the local and regional prizes for the most promising young entrepreneur in Science and Technology and Sustainable Energy.

Cadir Lee
President and CTO, OhmConnect Speaker bioCadir Lee

Cadir joined OhmConnect as President and CTO in 2015. He oversees all day to day operations and directs product development efforts. He has been instrumental in growing OhmConnect’s users and revenue more than 30 fold since he joined.
Prior to OhmConnect, Cadir spent five years as CTO of Zynga, where he was responsible for the development and innovation of Zynga’s technology platforms, information technology, large-scale network operations, security, analytics, developer tools, and technology M&A. In particular, Cadir was the original architect of Zynga’s big data analytics platform and managed the development and implementation of one of the world’s largest private cloud infrastructures.
Prior to Zynga, he founded, took public, and spent eleven years as the CTO of Support.com, an online technology support company that deployed software to over 50 million PCs and devices. Cadir graduated from Stanford University with degrees in Biology and Music.

Jason Dunn
Chief Technology Officer, Made In Space Speaker bioJason Dunn

Jason co-founded Made In Space in 2010 as a result of analyzing the best possible approaches to enabling a fully sustainable form of space colonization.
With a core focus on space manufacturing, the company has since built, flown, and operated the first and second 3D printers in space. Installed on the International Space Station, the first Made In Space Zero-Gravity 3D printer began space manufacturing in November 2014. Today, Made In Space operates the second-generation 3D printer on the ISS, called the Additive Manufacturing Facility, enabling groups across the planet to have hardware manufactured in space.
Additionally, Made In Space is working with NASA in the development of the Archinaut program, to enable in-space robotic manufacturing and assembly of large space structures.

Christi Edwards
SVP, Clean Tech Practice Leader, Chubb Speaker bioChristi Edwards

Christi is a Senior Vice President and the Clean Tech Practice Leader for Chubb, the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurer. Christi combines her knowledge in risk management with her passion to make the world a better place. Chubb’s Clean Tech Practice develops solutions to manage the unique risks of companies in the business of deriving power from renewable energy sources, creating energy efficiency or addressing the scarcity of natural resources. She began her career in Chubb’s Energy Resources Specialty department underwriting property and casualty coverages for oil and gas, mining, power and renewable energy. Christi holds a Bachelors of Business Administration in Insurance from University of North Texas. In her free time, she serves on the North Texas Executive Committee for WING, Women’s Insurance Networking Group; coaches her daughters’ basketball team and teaches Sunday school.

Kevin Eggers
Founding Partner, AP Ventures Speaker bioKevin Eggers

Kevin is a Founding Partner of AP Ventures, which spun out of Anglo American and had a first close of US$200m in July 2018. Kevin has a broad range of international experience spanning over 16 years, having worked extensively across Europe, South Africa and the United States. Prior to launching this fund, he was with Anglo American plc for ten years in various senior Commercial and Corporate Finance positions. In his most recent role, Kevin had operational responsibility for Anglo American’s Corporate Venture Capital Fund, the predecessor fund to AP Ventures Fund I. He focused primarily on the energy and clean technology sectors. Kevin is a board member of United Hydrogen.

Geoffrey Eisenberg
Principal, Ecosystem Integrity Fund Speaker bioGeoffrey Eisenberg

Geoffrey Eisenberg is a Principal at the Ecosystem Integrity Fund, and has been a member of the EIF investment team from its inception. His responsibilities include investment due diligence, sector research, strategy development, and deal sourcing. Geoff also works directly with EIF’s portfolio companies on strategy, corporate finance, and business development. Geoff serves as a board observer for T-Rex.
Prior to joining EIF, Geoff worked as a Senior Consulting Associate at Cambridge Associates, a global institutional investment consulting firm. While at Cambridge, he provided investment counsel to institutional, pension, and ultra high net-worth clients. Geoff also conducted due diligence on investment managers, and helped clients build diversified and sophisticated portfolios across asset classes. He initiated the firm’s 2007 white paper on cleantech investing for institutional clients, and conducted extensive research on the cleantech industry, including company and venture capital/private equity fund analysis.
In addition to his role at EIF, Geoff is a mentor for the Hawaii Energy Exelerator, helping clean energy start-ups scale. He also serves as a director to the Forsythia Foundation, a non-profit focused on the commercialization of safer green chemistry replacements for toxic chemicals in our products and environment.
Geoff holds a BA in History and Philosophy from Bates College in Lewiston, ME.

Nicholas Eisenberger
Managing Partner, PURE Energy Partners Speaker bioNicholas Eisenberger

Nicholas Eisenberger is a pioneer of the clean economy. As a successful entrepreneur, investor, strategist, and highly regarded speaker and author, Nicholas has worked for two decades to advance the clean technology industry. Nicholas is the founder and Managing Partner of Pure Energy Partners, a venture catalyst firm that invests in high impact, high potential clean economy companies, projects, and funds and actively works to accelerate their commercial success.
He is also a co-founder of GO Ventures, which invests in path breaking cleantech enterprises, a member of the board of directors of the American Council on Renewable Energy, the leading national umbrella organization for the industry, and a co-founder of The Cleanweb Initiative, a new industry association focused on growing the market place of information technology solutions that address our critical resource and environmental challenges.
From 2005-2009, Nicholas was Managing Principal of GreenOrder, which he and his partners established as one of the most influential corporate sustainability strategy firms and sold in 2008. Called one of the “go to guys” in sustainability consulting by Fortune, Nicholas is widely recognized for his groundbreaking work with global companies such as GM, DuPont, HP, and GE, whose multi-billion dollar ecomagination initiative Nicholas played a key role in guiding from its launch
Prior to that, Mr. Eisenberger was the founder and CEO of Ecos Technologies, an environmental management enterprise software company and a venture capital investor at Churchill Capital, one of the very first dedicated cleantech funds. In the mid-nineties, he also co-founded Mypoints.com, a pioneering public Internet marketing company that was purchased by United Airlines.
Nicholas is an honors graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School and received a Certificate in Environmental Law from the University of California. He serves on numerous boards in the clean economy sector including the X PRIZE Foundation’s Energy & Environment Advisory Board, the President’s Advisory Council of the National Wildlife Foundation, the World Resource Institute’s Innovators Council, Scotland’s Saltire Prize Advisory Board for Marine Renewable Energy, the New York Council for Global Green USA, and the board of New York Sun Works, a science and sustainability non-profit. Nicholas lives by the Sound in coastal Connecticut with his wife, Robin, and their three young daughters.

Jorge Elizondo
Co-Founder and Technology Lead, Heila Technologies Speaker bioJorge Elizondo

Dr. Jorge Elizondo is a Co-Founder and the Technology Lead of Heila Technologies, an MIT spinoff start-up, seeking to dramatically simplify the integration and operation of DERs by overcoming the inherent incompatibility, complexity, and overall design inflexibility of current technologies through the deployment of their Distributed Smart Industrial Gateway, the Heila IQ.”
Before co-founding Heila, Dr. Elizondo received his Ph.D. at MIT working in microgrid modeling and control. During his doctorate, he served as the Vice-President of the MIT Energy Club and organized the prestigious MIT Energy Conference. Before MIT, he co-founded a company that developed small wind turbines and renewable energy projects in Mexico. He has won several awards such as the Santander Business Innovation Award. He holds an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and a B.S. in Physics from Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico.

Vonnie Estes
Independent ConsultantVonnie Estes


Judy Fairburn
Board Chair, Alberta Innovates Speaker bioJudy Fairburn

Judy Fairburn is the Board Chair of Alberta Innovates, which funds, advises and provides testing and scale-up support for promising innovators across the clean energy, bio-industrial and health sectors.
She was also the co-founder and director of Evok Innovations, a $100 million cleantech fund focused on accelerating the development and commercialization of solutions to environmental and economic challenges facing the oil and gas sector. Recently retired as the EVP Safety and Chief Digital Officer of Cenovus Energy Inc. and trained as a Chemical Engineer, Judy is recognized as being at the leading edge of collaborative innovation and digital change in Alberta’s resource industry. She has over 30 years of experience in the energy sector including business innovation, corporate venture capital, joint ventures, portfolio management, environment, operations and technology development.
Judy also sits on the board of of directors of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and the Public Policy Forum, an organization focused on tackling Canada’s most complex challenges through constructive dialogue across all sectors.
Judy is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and has been recognized as one of Canada’s Clean 16.

Gordon Feller
Founder, Meeting of the Minds Speaker bioGordon Feller

MotM is a unique international organization established in 2000 as a World Bank spin off. It brings together urban sustainability and technology leaders to share knowledge and build lasting alliances. MotM is the non-profit that pioneered the smart-city as a tangible goal, building partnerships with leading corporates (AT&T; Black & Veatch; Deloitte, Cubic; Toyota; Ford Motor; VolvoREF; Microsoft; PNC Bank; Dassault Systèmes; Wells Fargo; Itron); foundations (Barr; Lincoln Inst.), and many others (UC Davis; National League of Cities; Smithsonian, Case Western; etc.). MotM provides the leadership network (26,000 from more than 50 countries) with rich and original content via monthly webinars, MeetUps, conferences, reports, print magazine, daily guest-blogs from city-focused innovators. In his role as consultant, Gordon advises senior executives focused on cleantech investments. He currently serves on 4 corporate boards (mainly startups), 4 non-profit boards, 1 Federal board established by the US Congress to advise the Secretary of Energy. Feller served in the Cisco Systems HQ executive office as Director of Urban Innovation. After retiring in late 2016 he served as Cisco’s consultant focused on Internet of Things.

Zachi Flatto
Construction Innovation Zone Manager, SOSA Speaker bioZachi Flatto

Zachi has a 20 years of diverse experience in civil engineering, construction and mapping technologies. Zachi was the cofounder and lead entrepreneur in Parklife, a startup specializing in predictive navigation technology in the automotive industry. He also served as VP Sales and business development at Top Ramdor (TASE, project management platform) and held different management roles in Autodesk distribution channels. Zachi holds a B.S in Civil engineering from the Technion (Haifa) and M.S in Geography (GIS program) from TAU (Tel Aviv University)
The Construction Innovation Zone is a joint initiative with the Ministry of Construction and Housing, Israel’s Ministry of the Economy, and the Israel Builders Association, establishing the world’s first innovation hub for the construction industry. The unique partnership between SOSA’s vast global network of corporations and startups and the resources of these government offices work to expedite the utilization of these technologies on the ground. With this critical regulatory push, corporations around the world will be able to gain critical access to the innovation that will redefine the construction and real estate development sectors.

Martin Flusberg
CEO, Powerhouse Dynamics Speaker bioMartin Flusberg

Martin has spent most of his career developing innovative technologies that address climate change; the first half in transportation and the second half in energy. Most recently, he was co-founder and President of Nexus Energy Software, a pioneer in delivering on-line energy and carbon analysis to consumers and businesses. Nexus — sold to ESCO Technologies (NYSE:ESE) in 2005 and now part of Aclara Technologies — evolved into a global provider of software solutions to the utility industry focusing on smart grid, smart meter, energy efficiency and demand-response.
Martin was CEO of software companies Multisystems, Inc. and REALink SystemsCorp. and ran an energy software unit of TASC that later became Lodestar Corp., since acquired by Oracle. He has also served on the faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT. Martin has an MSCE from MIT and a BEE from City University of New York.

Amy Francetic
Managing Director, Energize VenturesAmy Francetic


Julio Friedmann
Senior Research Scholar & Lead, CaMRI Project, Columbia University Speaker bioJulio Friedmann

Dr. Julio Friedmann is the CEO of Carbon Wrangler, LLC, and a Distinguished Associate at the Energy Futures Initiative, where he leads a team on large-scale carbon management and deep decarbonization. He recently served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Fossil Energy at the Department of Energy during the second Obama administration under Sec. Moniz. Previously he held the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Clean Coal and Carbon Management. He was responsible for DOE’s R&D program in advanced fossil energy systems, large demonstration projects, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), and clean coal deployment. His expertise includes R&D and programs in Clean Coal and Carbon Management, Oil and Gas systems, international engagements in clean fossil energy, and inter-agency engagements within the US government. He has also held positions at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, including Senior Advisor for Energy Innovation and Chief Energy Technologist.
Dr. Friedmann is one of the most widely known and authoritative experts in the U.S. on carbon removal (CO2 drawdown from the air and oceans), CO2 conversion and use, and carbon capture and sequestration. His expertise includes technology, policy, and operations. He has testified before the US House, Senate, and several state legislatures, published in Foreign Affairs, Financial Times, and the New York Times. In addition to close partnerships with many private companies and NGOs, Julio has worked closely with the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Energy Association. He is a co-author on the MIT “Future of Coal Energy” Report, the National Petroleum Council report “Facing Hard Truths”, and the World Resources Institute “CCS Guidelines” report. In his prior appointment as Chief Energy Technologist for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Dr. Friedmann’s research portfolio included smart grid and energy systems analysis, conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons, CO2 capture, utilization, and sequestration, nuclear fuel cycle, geothermal power, and renewable power prediction and integration.
Dr. Friedmann received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), followed by a Ph.D. in Geology at the University of Southern California. After graduation, he worked for five years as a senior research scientist in Houston, first at Exxon and later ExxonMobil. He next worked as a research scientist at the University of Maryland. A native of Rhode Island, he has worked in many states and countries.

Dan Gabaldon
Founding Partner, Enovation Partners Speaker bioDan Gabaldon

Over the past two decades, Dan has served leading companies across the energy value chain in many of their most critical strategic and operational improvement challenges. At Enovation, he has focused particularly on DER and Energy Storage, serving energy companies, OEMs and investors seeking to benefit from the rapid changes in this area. He has served a similar mix of clients in the natural gas sector on M&A and operational improvement issues. His work usually involves leveraging Enovation’s growing set of proprietary analytic tools and datasets, as well as his many years of experience supporting clients to make real impacts on their companies. He is a frequent speaker and author on DER, storage, and new energy innovation topics.

Stéphane Germain
President & CEO, GHGSat Speaker bioStéphane Germain

Stéphane Germain founded GHGSat in 2011 to answer a market need for consistent, high quality measurements of greenhouse gas emissions from industrial facilities worldwide.
Mr. Germain has over 25 years of experience in aerospace engineering, project management, and business development. He has held senior management positions over a period of 10 years in both small and large Canadian aerospace companies. Prior to these positions, he was a consultant for several years with Bain & Company, a leading international strategy consulting firm, working for Fortune 500 companies in industries ranging from forestry to aerospace. At the start of his career, he worked as an engineer and project manager at Spar Aerospace.
Mr. Germain graduated from Queen’s University (Canada) with a B.Sc. (Engineering Physics) in 1991 and a Masters in Business Administration from INSEAD (France) in 1994.

Josh Gilbert
CEO & Co-Founder, Sust Global Speaker bioJosh Gilbert

Josh Gilbert is Chief Executive Officer and founder at Sust Global.
Sust Global is the leading provider of climate data and APIs, providing the climate data foundations for global financial institutions, data providers, investors and corporates.
Sust Global’s product delivers satellite-validated insights and integrations, by transforming climate science with satellite and geospatial datasources and cutting-edge deep-learning techniques.
Josh is a global expert and leader in climate tech and sustainable finance, having worked across climate tech, cleantech and geospatial analytics.
Josh is a thought leader and regular speaker on climate tech sustainable finance, quoted in publications such as TechCrunch, Reuters, FT/Sifted and UKTN. Josh holds a BA & MSc in Economics & International Development, and wishes he had more time to play music and Dungeons & Dragons.

Nate Gorence
Technology-to-Market Advisor, ARPA-E Speaker bioNate Gorence

Nate Gorence is a Technology-to-Market Advisor at the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), where he helps prepare breakthrough energy technologies for transition from the lab to the market and deepen ARPA-E’s private sector engagement.
Previously, Gorence worked at the Bipartisan Policy Center, a leading think tank in Washington, DC, where he served as Associate Director under its energy project. While there, Gorence directed various aspects of strategy, research design, analysis, policy development, and advocacy related to a broad range of energy and environmental issues. His primary focus was developing better policy levers to improve the country’s energy innovation ecosystem and to bring advanced energy technologies to market. Additionally, Gorence led a high-level policy initiative, the American Energy Innovation Council, which successfully brought together iconic business CEOs to articulate new and reformed strategies to improve U.S. clean energy technology innovation. Gorence has also worked at the Broadscale Group, a new model of investment firm, working with leading energy corporations to invest in and commercialize the industry’s most promising market-ready innovations.
Gorence began his career at Epic Systems Corp. He holds a MBA from Yale University and an A.B. from Dartmouth College.

Matt Gregori
Technology Development Manager, SoCalGas Speaker bioMatt Gregori

Matt Gregori serves as a Technology Development Manager for Customer Applications in the SoCalGas Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D) group. His team seeks out new natural gas and hydrogen technologies that are ready for deployment at the pilot or demonstration scale. His portfolio includes technologies in transportation, power generation, and residential, commercial, and industrial thermal applications.
During his career in the clean energy field, Matt has built and operated various types of clean energy projects, from biodiesel production facilities to food waste anaerobic digesters.
Matt earned a B.S. in Chemistry at The California Institute of Technology and an MBA at the Anderson School of Management at UCLA.

Mike Green
CEO, iPV Solar Speaker bioMike Green

iPV Solar is a division of M.G. Lightning ltd, owned and managed by Mike Green. The company is a consulting and design firm specializing in solar PV energy, based in Israel, serving primarily Israel, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America. Since 2010 Mike has represented the state of Israel in the IEA PVPS Task 13 committee working on writing best practices for attaining PV system efficiency and reliability. Since 2013, with the inception of the iPV solar division, Mike has received 4 grants to date from governmental agencies in Israel and the European community for the developing of advanced monitoring algorithms for increasing system efficiency and yield prediction software to enable high penetration of PV solar energy into distribution grids. The software is currently ready for deployment as a SaaS for energy traders, grid managers, PV fleet maintenance companies and for individual small system owners who, until now have little or no performance monitoring capabilities.

Catha Groot
Director, Radicle Impact Speaker bioCatha Groot

Catha Groot is a Principal at Radicle Impact Partners, an early-stage impact venture fund focused on the food, energy and financial services sectors. Radicle invests in for-profit companies that generate scalable social and environmental impact. Prior to joining Radicle Impact, Catha was a Director of Strategy and Business Development at Personal Capital, a digital financial advisory company, and co-founder of Farm to Cup, a sustainable coffee marketplace. She began her career on Wall Street, where she worked in private equity at Rockefeller Group Investment Management and in investment banking at UBS. Catha has an MBA from Stanford and AB from Princeton.

Ashley Grosh
Vice President, Breakthrough EnergyAshley Grosh


Gary Halbert
City Manager, City of Chula Vista Speaker bioGary Halbert

Gary Halbert was appointed Chula Vista City Manager in June 2014 after serving as Assistant City Manager and Director of Development Services. Halbert is a certified planner and licensed engineer. As City Manager of the county’s second largest municipality with a population of 250,000, Halbert administers a $270 million annual budget and oversees 10 departments with a workforce of more than 1,000 employees.
Halbert has more than 30 years of experience in local government and has held management positions in city planning, transportation engineering and development services. He began his career working as an engineer in Traffic Operations for the City of San Diego, and came to the City of Chula Vista in October 2008.
Halbert holds a Bachelor of Science in Systems Science from the University of California at San Diego and a Masters in Public Administration from San Diego State University. At SDSU, he was a recipient of the John Fowler Scholarship and Graduate Student of the Year. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), the American Planning Association (APA) and the California City Management Foundation (CCMF).

Malcolm Handley
Founder & Managing Partner, Strong Atomics Speaker bioMalcolm Handley

Malcolm is the founder and managing partner of Strong Atomics, a VC fund focused on nuclear-fusion startups. Prior to this he was a software engineer, including four years at Google and as the first employee at Asana, where he helped build the team, culture and infrastructure for one of the fastest-growing B2B companies.

Andrew Haughian
General Partner, Pangaea Ventures Speaker bioAndrew Haughian

Andrew Haughian has over 17 years of energy and industrial experience. Andrew began his career in the upstream oil and gas industry before transitioning into engineering risk management consulting. He has a deep understanding of the technology commercialization challenges in the energy, electronics and sustainability markets. He serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal,Translational Materials Research and recently served as Chairman of the NREL Industry Advisory Board. Andrew serves on the board of Aspect Biosystems, CarbonCure Technologies, Energy Storage Systems Inc. and Tivra Corporation. He previously served on the boards of RSI Inc. and Boulder Ionics which were sold in 2014. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Toronto and a Masters in Business Administration degree from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.

Yoachim Haynes
Vice President of Strategy, Europe, Energy Impact Partners Speaker bioYoachim Haynes

Yoachim Haynes is the Vice President of Strategy for EIP’s European Fund where he leads research, innovation, commercialization as well as LP engagement. He works closely with EIP’s global portfolio.
Yoachim has 10 years of experience working with startups, corporations and governments in the energy and climate space. He led the corporate innovation programs at Cleantech Group as a consulting manager where he developed the strategy for, launched, and operated multiple corporate venturing programs, including multi-stakeholder pilot project processes and CVCs. He also delivered clean technology market assessments, market entry strategy and other climate impact projects for governments and corporations. His clients in North America, Europe, and Asia operated across a diverse set of industries including heavy industry (e.g., steel, oil and gas, cement), power generation, real estate, agriculture, mobility and FMCG.
He has a Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Engineering from Columbia University (Cum Laude, C.P. Davis Scholar, Tau Beta Pi). He now lives in London but has spent most of his life in Trinidad and Tobago where he grew up.

Thomas Healy
CEO & Founder, Hyliion Speaker bioThomas Healy

Thomas Healy is the founder and CEO at Hyliion, a technology start-up that is disrupting the trucking industry with electric propulsion. After starting four years ago in Healy’s dorm room at Carnegie Mellon University, Hyliion now has over 50 employees and is based in Austin, TX. Thomas’s passion for revolutionizing the trucking industry came from his upbringing in motorsports; he competed at a national level racing formula cars, sports cars, and go-karts. He has founded two prior start-ups and has been featured as a technical author in the New York Times. Thomas was a Forbes 30 under 30 awardee in 2017.

Olof Heyman
CEO, Ferroamp Speaker bioOlof Heyman

Olof Heyman is born 1958 and has a MSc Ch Eng. He has spent most of his professional life within ABB, a global company in Power and Automation. From 2003 to 2006 he was the Technology Manager for the HVDC group within ABB. From 2007 to 2009 he lived in India setting up an Engineering Center.
From 2009 to 2012 he was the global Marketing and Sales Manager for the ABB HVDC group and from 2012 to 2015 he has been heading the HVDC business within ABB.
In 2016 he became the Chairman of the board for Ferroamp and last year he became the CEO. Ferroamp got the EES award in Munich in June 2016 and is providing the future electrical distribution system for mid size houses. During 2017, Ferroamp have provided a handful ground breaking pilot installations based on their DC nano grid technology.

Andrew Hinkly
CEO AP Ventures, Anglo American Speaker bioAndrew Hinkly

Andrew currently leads Anglo American’s Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) Investment Programme which invests in innovative start-up companies that utilise or enable the use of PGMs. Since joining Anglo American in 2008, Andrew has held a number of senior leadership positions and has been a member of the executive committee. Andrew is a board member of Food Freshness Technologies and GreyRock Energy.
Prior to joining Anglo American, Andrew worked for the Ford Motor Company for 20 years and was a member of the Americas executive committee. During his time with Ford he obtained extensive global experience in finance, purchasing, strategy and new market development.
He holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Loughborough University in England and a Masters of Business Administration from the Manchester Business School.

Ken-Ichi Hino
Director, Cleantech GroupKen-Ichi Hino


Sarah Hodges
Director, Construction Business Line, Autodesk Speaker bioSarah Hodges

Sarah Hodges is director of the construction business line at Autodesk, Inc. During her time at Autodesk, Hodges has held various roles across the industry strategy and marketing team to help bring the Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) portfolio to the marketplace across the education and commercial sectors. Over the past decade, Hodges has broadened her experiences across the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry by leading teams across all segments and through spending time with customers across the globe to understand their challenges and requirements. Currently, Hodges is focused on the construction industry to understand and implement disruptive technological innovations that are radically changing how projects are constructed and delivered. Hodges has recently appeared in The Economist and The Wall Street Journal citing examples of how technology is shaping the future of the construction industry. Prior to Autodesk, Hodges spent time in the media and entertainment industry bringing to market and promoting B2B technologies to drive efficiencies in the post production process. Hodges holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a focus on marketing and management from Northeastern University.

Haggai Hofland
CEO, Founder RayCatch Speaker bioHaggai Hofland

Haggai holds a B.A. in Economics and Management, with a specialization in Entrepreneurial Management from Tel Aviv Jaffa.
Haggai has been working in the Solar industry for the past 8 years, vast majority of those years working on products that are making the solar market more efficient.
Haggai started in the Solar industry at Watts & More (PLE for Solar) as a data analysis director. Later Haggai joined a small Investment found that specialized in investing in PV assets @ Italy where he served as the COO.
Before co-founding Raycatch Haggai co-founded webper, a startup in content media publishing sites.

Wendolyn Holland
Senior Advisor, Cleantech GroupWendolyn Holland


Andrew Hsieh
CEO, Feasible Speaker bioAndrew Hsieh

Andrew Hsieh is Co-Founder and CEO of Feasible Inc., a Princeton University spin-out that is developing sound-based analytics to enhance how we interpret the physical world. They are currently focused on using their acoustic analysis platform to enable batteries to meet the performance and efficiency demands of electrified transportation, renewable energy generation, and more. The company is based in Berkeley, CA.
Andrew is in Cohort 2 of the Department of Energy’s prestigious Cyclotron Road program. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemical and Materials Engineering from Princeton University and a B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from UCLA.

Scott Jacobs
CEO and Co-Founder, Generate Capital Speaker bioScott Jacobs

Scott Jacobs is the CEO and Co-Founder of Generate Capital. Scott’s long-standing emphasis on innovative approaches to thematic investing focus broadly on the “resource revolution.” Prior to Generate, Scott served as a Managing Director and Co-Founder of EFW Partners, an investment firm focused on the world’s critical resources: energy, food, and water. In 2007, Scott co-founded McKinsey & Company’s global CleanTech practice, advising companies, institutional investors, NGOs and governments around the world. Prior to that, Scott spent over a decade in technology and venture capital, helping start and grow a number of companies, including PolyServe (acquired by HP) and Alliance Data Systems (acquired by FiServ). Scott earned his MBA with high distinction from Harvard Business School, where he was named a George F. Baker Scholar, and his BA cum laude from Dartmouth College. Scott also serves on the Board of Rare, a leading global conservation non-profit.

Karen Janowski
Vice President, Client Services, Prospect Silicon Valley Speaker bioKaren Janowski

KJ leads the team that recruits, selects and supports startup companies as they seek to commercialize their technologies in advanced mobility, energy and the built environment. In addition, she is responsible for establishing and strengthening relationships with partner organizations, including other entrepreneurial support organizations, trade missions and corporate sponsors. She directs ProspectSV marketing and outreach efforts.
KJ’s prior experience of more than three decades includes 14 years as vice president of marketing for several software and hardware technology firms, where she launched over 30 products that generated more than $500M in revenue. Following her work on the management teams of four technology startup companies, KJ provided strategic marketing consulting and interim executive services to a variety of large and small companies in the clean tech, software, services and computer technology sectors. KJ has an MBA from Stanford University and a B.S. in finance and applied economics from the Haas School at UC Berkeley.

Margarett Jolly
Director Demonstration Projects – Customer Energy Solutions, Consolidated Edison Company of New York Speaker bioMargarett Jolly

Margarett Jolly collaborates with technology leaders to develop strategic technology and policy solutions for the grid, and its customers and participants. Her professional and personal background provides her the technical and policy tools, partnerships and passion that are making the grid a better place. She is recent Director of R&D at Con Edison, currently Director Demonstration Projects in the Customer Energy Solutions organization.
She has been with Con Edison since 1997. Margarett’s early career included power plant control systems and boiler operations, followed by regulatory and energy markets policy, electric distribution engineering, and as the Company’s DG Ombudsperson.
She graduated from New York City Technical College in 1993 and from the Cooper Union in 1997 with a BE in Mechanical Engineering. A licensed Professional Engineer in New York State since 2004, Margarett serves on the Boards of Green City Force and Grid Alternative Tri-State.
Margarett speaks regularly about the changing role of the electric grid.

Roy Joseph
CEO, Simplify SolarRoy Joseph


Jeff Kayes
Partner, Morrison & Foerster Speaker bioJeff Kayes

Jeffrey M. Kayes is a partner at Morrison & Foerster, practicing in the firm’s Financial Transactions Group.
Mr. Kayes focuses on the representation of financial institutions, other institutional lenders and borrowers in complex debt and equity financings. Mr. Kayes has extensive experience in leveraged acquisition finance and project finance, including the development and financing of manufacturing facilities and renewable energy projects. He has advised clients in connection with bilateral and syndicated facilities, asset- and cash-flow-based facilities, domestic and cross-border loans, letter of credit financings, vendor financings, private placements of debt securities and bankruptcy-related financings.
He has represented clients operating in a variety of industries, including biotechnology, clean technology, finance, gaming, renewable energy, semiconductors and software, among others.
Mr. Kayes also has extensive experience representing clients in acquisitions of energy projects in all phases of development, including investments in individual or portfolios of projects. He has advised clients in connection with such transactions for natural gas, wind, biomass, hydro and solar facilities.
Mr. Kayes is recommended as a leading lawyer in the 2013–2015 editions of Legal 500 US in the areas of Project Finance and Renewable/Alternative Energy. In addition, he is recognized as a “Rising Star” in the 2012–2014 editions of Northern California Super Lawyers, an honor recognizing the top up-and-coming attorneys in the state who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.
Prior to joining Morrison & Foerster, Mr. Kayes acted as Senior Legal Counsel for Solar Trust of America / Solar Millennium, a solar developer, addressing financing issues concerning the construction of the world’s largest solar field. Earlier in his career, he practiced at Latham & Watkins.
Mr. Kayes previously served as a member of the Uniform Commercial Code Committee of the Business Law Section of the State Bar of California.

Ronald Kent
Manager, Advanced Technologies, Strategy & Development, SoCalGas Speaker bioRonald Kent

Current Activities
Identification, development and commercialization of new energy technologies that improve energy efficiency, minimize emissions, and provide sustainable energy for SoCalGas customers.
Technology projects include: power-to-gas systems, biomethanation, biomass gasification, digester gas separation and monitoring, hydrogen production systems, microchannel reactors for methane reforming, catalytic nonthermal plasma reactors, concentrated solar thermal power, oxy-fuel power plants for carbon capture and sequestration.
Previous positions include the new product development (NGVs, fuel cells, internet-based services), gas supply and demand forecasting, gas transportation management, energy efficiency program management, and financial analysis.

Emily Kirsch
Founder & CEO, Powerhouse / Powerhouse Ventures Speaker bioEmily Kirsch

Emily Kirsch is the Founder and CEO of Powerhouse and the Founder and Managing Partner of Powerhouse Ventures. Powerhouse backs entrepreneurs building software-focused technology for the clean energy industry. At Powerhouse, Emily has built strategic connections between venture capital, corporate leaders, and entrepreneurs to drive innovation. Startups at Powerhouse have collectively raised hundreds of millions in capital, generated hundreds of millions in revenue, and have created over a thousand jobs in the US and around the world.
Prior to founding Powerhouse, Emily worked as the Lead Organizer at the Ella Baker Center, where she founded and lead the Climate Action Coalition which drafted and secured passage of the most ambitious Energy and Climate Action Plan of any city in the nation. Emily designed and launched the Green Jobs Corps with Ella Baker Center Founder and former Advisor to President Obama, Van Jones.
Emily serves on the Board of Station A and is on the Advisory Board of University of San Francisco’s Master’s of Science in Energy Systems Management. Emily serves on the Advanced Energy Technologies Council for the World Economic Forum.
Emily is the winner of 2017 Entrepreneurship Award from C3E, a partnership between the US Department of Energy, Stanford, and MIT to highlight women’s leadership in clean energy. Her work has been cited in Bloomberg, The Guardian, TechCrunch, The Huffington Post, and The New York Times. Emily has guest lectured at UC Berkeley and Stanford.

Florian Kolb
Managing Director, innogy New Ventures Speaker bioFlorian Kolb

Florian has 20 years of professional experience in tech and non-tech-related industries with a strong background in mergers & acquisitions (Florian has led and worked on more than 60 deals worth over 12bn USD, including venture deals), post-merger integration (7bn USD integration), operational management, restructuring (2,5bn+ program), business development, market entry and innovation (Silicon Valley).
Florian started his career working for a serial entrepreneur who developed and IPO’ed a highly successful packaging business. During the dot.com era, Florian advised tech and start-up companies in early- and later-stage fundraising. He focused on private equity and leveraged transactions in Automotive and Electronics before joining RWE, a leading pan-European energy company with more than 50bn revenues and more than 60.000 employees.
At RWE, Florian lead M&A deals worth more than 10bn USD. After the acquisition of it’s Dutch business, Florian managed the integration of this 7bn+ USD acquisition into the RWE group. He then became the Managing Director of RWE’s Dutch services company, transforming major corporate functions, delivering very ambitious cost-savings and multi-million USD IT programs. Florian was appointed in 2013 by the Executive Board of RWE to manage the 2.5bn+ USD group-wide transformation program, covering all main areas and functions of the business.
In 2015, Florian has been appointed as Managing Director of RWE’s activities in Silicon Valley (which now have been rebranded innogy). He focuses to secure future, non-traditional business for innogy via three core activity streams: 1. market entry, 2. Venturing and 3. innovation. This includes leading strategic investments in early- and later-stage companies, leading the group-wide data-driven business model activities and testing and launching new businesses for innogy in the renewables, grid and retail space. During the last two years, innogy has invested a very substantial double-digit million USD amount in various Silicon Valley-based activities. Florian serves on the boards of portfolio companies from Silicon Valley. Florian is also the founding father of the Free Electrons program, a global accelerator program operated by a consortium of leading utilities from around the world and is acting as a mentor for Singularity University programs.
Florian holds a masters degree in economics from the University of Passau, Germany. He participated in executive programs from leading academic institutions such as INSEAD Fontainebleau, IMD Lausanne and various innogy TOP 150 programs.

Peter Kozodoy
Founder & CEO, Glint Photonics Speaker bioPeter Kozodoy

Dr. Kozodoy is the founder and CEO of Glint Photonics. He has wide-ranging experience in technical research, product development, and science and technology policy. Dr. Kozodoy has successfully commercialized products at two startup companies: blue- and white-emitting LEDs for energy-efficient lighting at WiTech (later acquired by Cree, Inc.), and tunable lasers for advanced telecommunications systems at Agility Communications (acquired by JDS Uniphase). He holds a B.S. in Physics from Yale University and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author or co-author of 70 scientific publications and four patents.

Grzegorz Gorski
Managing Director Centralized Generation, ENGIEGrzegorz Gorski


Ranga Krishnan
Vice President, Technology, Skuchain Speaker bioRanga Krishnan

Ranga has over 25 years of diversified management and technology experience in small to large sized organizations. He has a proven ability to execute strategies, requirement gathering, plan, manage resources, defining and implementing processes & policies, team building, product development life cycle management, and project management over a broad range of products (Enterprise Software, Web Media, Database Software/Database Technologies, Security and Internet Software/Products). Expertise in Purchasing, Training, Administration and Development. He has Strong skills in organization, decision making, delegation, and people management.

Sanjeev Krishnan
Managing Director and CIO, S2G Ventures Speaker bioSanjeev Krishnan

Sanjeev is Managing Director of S2G Ventures, and he has been with the firm since its inception. Sanjeev has over 15 years of experience in sourcing, executing, managing and governing venture and private equity investments, including a focus in agriculture and food companies. As Managing Director, Sanjeev is active in developing investments and managing portfolio companies.
Sanjeev serves on the boards of several S2G portfolio companies. He also serves on the investment committee of Bamboo Finance and a variety of advisory boards related to impact investing and the agriculture and water sectors.
Sanjeev began investing in the food and agriculture sectors in 2003 as a co-founder of the life sciences practice of the IFC, the $20 billion private investment arm of the World Bank. His previous investment roles include CLSA Capital Partners, Global Environment Fund, World Bank Group’s IFC and JPMorgan.
Sanjeev is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Rahul Kumar
Vice President of Growth, TransLoc Speaker bioRahul Kumar

During the 16 years Rahul has spent in public transportation, he has been a part of many firsts. From designing and launching suburban Los Angeles’ first Bus Rapid Transit to launching the first commercial autonomous public transport fleet, Rahul has seen this industry grow from operationally-focused to digitally-driven. With a background in building organizations and marketing new innovations in public transport, Rahul found his first home working at the second largest public transportation agency in Los Angeles. As Director of Planning, he designed many of the routes and services that operate in and out of L.A. today. After a little over a half-decade in the public sector, Rahul moved on to lead the commercial team for a large, multi-national transportation operator working in both the traditional public transit space and new “on-demand” modes. In 2015, Rahul moved to Paris, France to focus on new innovative products for the public transportation space. In under two years, he built a team focused on disruptive innovation, specifically in the areas of driverless public transportation, mobile ticketing, and big data platforms. Rahul joined TransLoc in 2016 to help the startup build upon its existing accomplishments and grow the company’s footprint in the microtransit space.

Ben Larson
Managing Partner, Gateway Accelerator & Venture Fund Speaker bioBen Larson

Ben Larson is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and startup adviser based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Gateway, the premier startup accelerator and venture fund for the burgeoning cannabis industry. Ben is also a Director and Mentor for the Founder Institute, where he formerly managed global operations and helped grow Founder Institute into over 100 cities around the world. He’s an active Board member for Peridot Labs, a full-spectrum cannabis extraction lab; Grow-X, an AI controlled aeroponics company; and The Food Nest, an accelerator and venture fund for packaged foods and foodtech companies. Additionally, Ben contributes his time as an Advisor and Mentor to the non-profit Youth Business USA, coaching underserved entrepreneurs here in Oakland, and is on the East Bay Board of Directors for Playworks, helping kids to stay active and build valuable social and emotional skills through play.

Will Latta
CEO, LP Amina Speaker bioWill Latta

Will Latta is the Founder and CEO of LP Amina, a multinational environmental engineering and advance coal development company with deep expertise and R&D activities in the US and China. LP Amina has successfully retrofitted over 50 coal-fired and gas-fired power plants with emissions controls solutions in the US and China.
LP Amina is a founding member of the Advanced Coal Technology group of the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (http://www.us-china-cerc.org/), a bilaterally-funded organization that facilitates U.S.-China cooperation in developing advance coal technology. LP Amina is also a founding member of the U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program (http://www.uschinaecp.org), which is a group that promotes commercially viable projects in clean energy, and supports the sustainable development of the energy sectors in both countries.
Mr. Latta has over 25 years of experience in power generation. Prior to LP Amina, Mr. Latta worked for Alstom Power (now GE Power), a global leader in conventional power generation equipment. His work experience at Alstom was broad and included various technical and management roles. Mr. Latta is a professional engineer and has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a MBA from Duke University.

Jay Lipman
Co-Founder & President, Ethic Speaker bioJay Lipman

Jay is Co-Founder & President of Ethic. Ethic is a technology-driven, sustainable asset manager empowering investors to create investments specific to their values and financial goals. Our goal is to outperform on sustainability through our data-driven platform, while creating returns-driven portfolios that track benchmarks with precision.
Ethic’s mission is to accelerate the global transition to sustainable investing. Our team’s experience spans market-leading investment firms, including Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan, top-tier design houses, and technology companies, including LinkedIn and Google.

Deepa Lounsbury
CalSEED Program Manager, CalCefDeepa Lounsbury


Audrey Ma
Director of Business Development, Re-Fire Technology Speaker bioAudrey Ma

Audrey Ma joined Re-Fire Technology in early 2017 as Director of Business Development. Re-Fire Technology was founded in 2014 in Shanghai with the vision of bringing hydrogen fuel cell technologies to market by delivering transportation fuel cell system products and integration engineering services to OEMs and end users. Since its founding, Re-Fire Technology has established itself as the industry leader in fuel cell systems and powertrain integration in China by the number of products shipped and vehicles delivered and on-road. Audrey leads the expansion of Re-Fire’s overseas supply base for product development, project collaboration and international market outreach. Audrey holds a Master of Urban Design degree from the University of Hong Kong and a BAS from the Carleton University School of Architecture.

Jinhua Ma
Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Rugao Economic and Technological Development Zone Speaker bioJinhua Ma

Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Rugao Municipal Committee
Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Rugao Economic and Technological Development Zone (daily works in charge)
Mr. Ma born in Rugao, Jiangsu province China, is the Incumbent Member of Standing Committee of the CPC Rugao Municipal Committee and Deputy Secretary of Rugao Economic and Technological Development Zone. He got his master’s degree at Party School of CPC Jiangsu Province and has a Senior Economist’s title. He spares no efforts facilitating the development of clean energy and new energy automobiles, making great achievements for hydrogen fuel cells. He is the leader, supporter and groundbreaker for the emerging markets of clean energy and technologies as a local government in China.
Rugao Economic and Technological Development Zone
Being approved to national level in 2013, Rugao Economic and Technological Development Zone covers an area of 150.41 square kilometers, a population of 1,675,000, with more than 1500 enterprises, focusing on being innovation-driven in the development of industries in energy-saving and electric vehicles, clean energy, bio-technology, and intelligent manufacturing. The zone is regarded as the most valuable development zone within the Yangtze River Delta with the greatest economic potential, built upon the foundations of technology advancements, modern services and advanced manufacturing.

Taavi Madiberk
CEO & Co-Founder, Skeleton Technologies Speaker bioTaavi Madiberk

Taavi Madiberk is the CEO & Co-Founder of Skeleton Technologies, a Global Cleantech 100 company and a European leader in high-power, fast-charging energy storage for transportation, grid, automotive, and industrial applications. Skeleton’s supercapacitors and SuperBattery decrease CO2 emissions and fuel consumption, improve power quality, and empower wider electrification of the biggest industries globally, with a clear focus on hard-to-decarbonize sectors.
Skeleton Technologies Group currently employs more than 300 people and has four main locations: its HQ, electrical engineering and module development in Tallinn (Estonia), its supercapacitor manufacturing in Großröhrsdorf (Germany), its materials development in Bitterfeld-Wolfen (Germany), and its future new factory, which will be the largest supercapacitor factory in the world, in Markranstädt (Germany). The company also has offices and subsidiaries in Finland and France.
Taavi co-founded the company at the age of 21 in Estonia. Since its inception, Skeleton has raised over 300 M EUR from public and private investors such as Marubeni Corporation, Innoenergy – Europe’s top cleantech investor – as well as executives from CAF group and co-founders of Adyen, Wise, and Ctek. Skeleton’s customers list includes Siemens, GE, CAF, Skoda Electric, Honda Performance Development, Martinrea Effenco, the European Space Agency, among others.

Chris Mallett
Corporate Vice President, Research & Development, Cargill Speaker bioChris Mallett

Chris Mallett was named Corporate Vice President of Cargill Research & Development in January 2005 and leads all R&D resources across Cargill. Prior to joining Cargill, Mallett was the foundational Senior Vice President of R&D and CTO of the dairy multinational Fonterra in New Zealand. Before his role at Fonterra, he led the food and agribusiness activities at CSIRO Australia, the nation’s premier science agency where he served successively as chief of division, executive vice president, and deputy CEO. He had previously held various leadership positions in R&D in the European edible oils and frozen food business of Unilever, the consumer goods multinational, which he had joined in 1982 after an academic career in Austria and Australia. He has also served as a Director on many Boards and Advisory Boards in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and the US. He is currently Treasurer and a member of the Board of the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research, which was authorized by Congress as part of the 2014 Farm Bill to leverage public and private resources to increase the scientific and technological research, innovation, and partnerships critical to boosting America’s agricultural economy. He was elected fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in 1999, and was awarded a 2000 Centenary Medal of Australia for contribution to Australia’s R&D. Mallett, who is a Manxman, received his Bachelor, Master and D.Phil degrees in chemistry from Oxford University. He is married with three adult children.

Veery Maxwell
Director, Energy Innovation Speaker bioVeery Maxwell

Veery Maxwell is the Director for Energy Innovation, where she helps clients achieve their goals in climate and energy philanthropy. Veery earned a JD degree with honors from UC Hastings School of the Law where she focused on environmental issues. She was Managing Editor of West-Northwest, the Hastings environmental law and policy journal, and published a paper entitled, “Wind Energy Development: Can Wind Power Overcome Substantial Hurdles to Reach the Grid?” Veery received a B.A. degree magna cum laude from Georgetown University with a double major in finance and international business. She spent her junior year at the London School of Economics. While she attended Georgetown and Hastings, Veery worked for The Nature Conservancy, ClimateWorks Foundation, and the environmental law division of Union Pacific.

Steve Malnight
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Policy, PG&E Speaker bioSteve Malnight

Steven (Steve) E. Malnight is Senior Vice President, Strategy and Policy for PG&E Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
In this role, Malnight leads a team of dynamic and experienced professionals who develop and implement the company’s energy strategy and policy through innovative solutions, partnership integration and public advocacy at the national, state and local level.
In developing and implementing the company’s strategy and policy, Malnight oversees Federal, State and Local Government affairs, Corporate Sustainability, and Community Relations, along with PG&E’s Energy Procurement organization that provides energy service to the 16 million Californians PG&E serves.
Malnight held several key executive positions at Pacific Gas and Electric Company before accepting his current assignment. Most recently, he served as Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, where he oversaw PG&E’s regulatory policy efforts at the national and state levels, including interaction with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), the California Energy Commission (CEC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Malnight also served as Vice President, Customer Energy Solutions, Vice President, Integrated Demand Side Management and Vice President, Renewable Energy. Before being named an officer at Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Malnight served in the PG&E Corporation Chairman’s office as Special Assistant to the Chairman, and he held management positions in Customer Strategy and Corporate Finance, where he led the company’s budgeting and planning process.
Malnight holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Notre Dame and a master’s degree in business administration from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.
Malnight is also active in national policy and community engagement, where he serves as Chairman of the Board of the Solar Electric Power Alliance, a nationwide organization that supports utility participation in solar activities.

Jesse McConnell
CEO, Rubicon Organics Speaker bioJesse McConnell

Jesse brings over 20 years’ experience in the United States and Canadian medical cannabis industries.
He was a founder of one of the first Canadian federally licensed facilities, Whistler Medical Marijuana Corporation (WMMC). He has also been involved in medical marijuana facilities in Ontario, Washington, California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Arizona and Illinois.
In 2014, McConnell and his team were hired to develop the first Certified Organic Growing Standard for the Cultivation of Medical Marijuana (ISO 17065). Jesse holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Master’s degree in Philosophy.

Tal Meirzon
CEO, Datumate Speaker bioTal Meirzon

Tal is a business leader with an extensive experience in growing global startup and mature High-tech companies, privately or publicly owned. He has more than 20 years of experience in the Communication industry and he is an expert in the Carrier and Enterprise markets.
Since 2013 Tal was the CEO of Starhome, where he grew the company to be a global leader in selling Value Added Services to more than 300 first tier Mobile Network Operators worldwide. Starhome grew geographically and via an acquisition of MACH and became Starhome Mach. Prior to this, Tal was the CEO of Wavion Wireless Networks, where he grew this startup to be a global leader in a front line position of the Carrier grade emerging Wi-Fi market and played a pivotal role in facilitating the acquisition of Wavion.
Prior to Wavion Tal held various key executive positions in Gilat Satellite Networks, public company, one of the global leaders in Satellite communication networks solutions and services.

Andrée-Lise Méthot
Founder and Managing Partner, Cycle Capital Management Speaker bioAndrée-Lise Méthot

Andrée-Lise Méthot is the Founder and Managing Partner of Cycle Capital Management, an impact investor and the most active cleantech venture capital platform in Canada. She has over 25 years of experience in venture capital, management and engineering. In the last few years, she has fundraised almost $400M from strategic and industrial players and she recently closed a fund with a strategic institutional investor in China.
Andrée-Lise serves on many boards of directors for public and private companies, including some of CCM’s portfolio companies. She is the co-founder and Chair of the Ecofuel Accelerator, for which she also championed the Ecofuel Fund. She sits on the Board of directors of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), Transition énergétique Québec (TEQ) and Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI). She also co-founded Écotech Québec, the Quebec cleantech cluster and SWITCH, the Alliance for a green economy.
Andrée-Lise sits on the North-American advisory Board of the Cleantech Group, the selection committee of Bloomberg’s New Energy Finance’s New Energy Pioneers, the Private Sector Advisory Board for the Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada and the External Advisory Committee to the Vice Principal Research and International Relations at McGill University. She co-chaired a Task Force under the auspices of the UNEP and the SETAC on the Life Cycle Initiative. She sat on various recognition committees, including the Grand prix du Génie Québécois, the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards, and the EY Entrepreneur of the Year contest.
Andrée-Lise was recognized as one of Canada’s Clean16, named one of the Top 20 cleantech investors by CleanTechnica and amongst the most influential women in sustainable development and in the cleantech industry by Corporate Knight.

Matt Miller
CEO & Chief Engineer, Nativus Speaker bioMatt Miller

Matt received his Bachelor of Science degree in Astrospace Engineering from the US Naval Academy. After commissioning, he served aboard a ship where he was responsible for shipboard auxiliary and refrigeration systems. Upon leaving active duty, Matt founded GBL Geothermal, a leading energy consultancy, where he designed all-electric, sustainable heating and cooling systems. Matt is a LEED Professional and former member of Nevada’s Energy Efficiency Strike Force.

Jeff More
CEO, MineSense Technologies Speaker bioJeff More

As President & Chief Executive Officer, Jeff is responsible for the strategic and overall leadership of MineSense. His primary mandate is to bring to market the company’s disruptive, value creating technology. In 2016, this included a successful fund raise and the company’s first commercial contract.
Jeff is a seasoned CEO with a particular focus on intensive growth mandates. His experience spans a diverse set of industries, including environmental services, electronics recycling, telecommunications, robotics and engineered materials.
A company builder with a proven track record in both large companies and entrepreneurial environments, he brings broad functional expertise in business development, marketing strategy, operational efficiency and M&A to Minesense, This is coupled with extensive expertise in global markets, including China, India, Japan, South America and Africa. He is a demonstrated team builder and values-driven leader.
Jeff holds a B.Eng in Chemical Engineering & Management and an MBA, both from McMaster University.

Jesse Morris
Foundation Council Member, Energy Web Foundation Speaker bioJesse Morris

Jesse Morris is a Principal in the Electricity Practice of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). Throughout his career in the electricity sector, Jesse has had one focus: partner with utilities, technology providers, developers, and regulatory stakeholders to help distributed energy resources become an integral, widely-accessible part of the global electricity system. Currently, Jesse leads RMI’s work with the Energy Web Foundation, a new nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating development and deployment of blockchain technology in the energy sector.
Jesse’s research, convening, and consulting work focuses on understanding the fundamental economics of distributed energy resources and their ability to provide a wide variety of services to the grid through regulatory change and new business models. Over the past several years, he and his colleagues have researched and published in detail RMI’s findings on the economics of battery storage, advanced demand response technologies, and solar plus storage systems in addition to helping large corporates build new business models focused on the grid-edge.

Steven Murray
CEO, Primus Green Energy Speaker bioSteven Murray

Mr. Murray began his career with Shell as a technologist in UK chemical plants. From there, he held increasingly senior positions in sales, marketing and trading in the UK and internationally. He came to the US with Shell in 1994. After a strategy role in the Upstream business, Mr. Murray started an international trading company that profitably traded crude, refined products and LPG, plus associated paper instruments. Subsequently, he successfully led the turnaround of Shell Energy Services, a company marketing gas and electricity across the US to residential and commercial customers. He left Shell in 2006 to become the COO of a PE backed deregulated energy company. He became President of the largest deregulated retail energy company in North America, Direct Energy Residential in 2010. Most recently he was President of a fast growing recycling business, Avangard Innovative, a disruptive force in the $50 Bln pa waste management market. Mr. Murray gained a first class honors degree in Chemistry from Edinburgh University, Scotland.

Flavia Tata Nardini
CEO, Fleet Space Technologies Speaker bioFlavia Tata Nardini

Flavia Tata Nardini began her career at the European Space Agency as Propulsion Test Engineer, before she joined TNO to apply her technical knowledge to advanced space propulsion engineering projects. She rapidly became involved in project management and business development within the space and defence domain and after that she was assigned to developed international relations and identified business opportunities in the Middle East. After establishing the business in Qatar, she return to her love of space propulsion systems, and has successfully completed full lifecycle development of satellites and several micro thrusters currently flying on actual space missions (Delfi Program’s CubeSats). During her time at TNO, she has filed two patents in both rocket and satellite propulsion and has written several papers on Micro Propulsion Systems and Space Debris Removal Technologies.

Rob Nail
Co-Founder, Singularity University Speaker bioRob Nail

Rob is the CEO and Associate Founder of Singularity University. He brings a unique entrepreneurial and globally-focused approach to growing a non-traditional university as a platform to create a future of abundance where exponential technologies empower us to solve the global grand challenges.
Prior to Singularity, he co-founded Velocity11 in 1999, building automation equipment and robotics for cancer research and drug discovery. After being acquired by Agilent Technologies in 2007, he traded the CEO role for a General Manager role attempting to be a catalyst for change at a big company. He gave up in 2009 to go surfing, then found his true calling and biggest challenge yet with Singularity University. He was recently a director at Harman (HAR), on technology and audit committees. He helped Harman explore options for long-term growth in a rapidly changing automobile industry, ultimately resulting in ~$8 Billion acquisition by Samsung. As their largest acquisition in history, it brings Samsung directly into the automobile and autonomous car market.
He is currently on the board of Light&Motion, is a co-founder and director of Alite Designs, is an active angel investor and advisor, and holds degrees in Mechanical, Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering from UC Davis and Stanford University.

Robert Niven
Chair & CEO, CarbonCure Technologies Speaker bioRobert Niven

Rob Niven is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Canadian company CarbonCure Technologies, the global leader in carbon dioxide removal technologies for the concrete industry and Cleantech Group’s 2020 North American Cleantech Company of the Year. Rob has the simple goal of making concrete sustainability both profitable and easy for industry. Under his direction, CarbonCure and its partners are achieving their mission to reduce 500 million tonnes of carbon emissions annually. Rob has received countless international awards recognizing his leadership in sustainability, innovation and technology development including the Canada’s Top 40 Under 40, the 2016 Ernest C. Manning Innovation Award, the Cleantech Group’s Top 100 Global Cleantech Companies and the BloombergNEF New Energy Pioneers Award. Rob holds an MSc in Environmental Engineering from McGill University and a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Victoria, British Columbia.

Matthew Nordan
Head of Investment Committee, PRIME CoalitionMatthew Nordan


Robin North
CEO and Lead Technologist, Immense Simulations Speaker bioRobin North

Dr Robin North has been active in Intelligent Transport Systems research and development for the past 15 years, exploring the potential of new transport technologies and in particular how they can help to reduce pollutant emissions. This has included UK and international projects evaluating co-operative vehicle and infrastructure systems and most recently has involved activities to support the development and introduction of autonomous vehicles in the UK.
He is now setting out into the exciting world of start-ups as the CEO and Lead Technologist for Immense Simulations Ltd., the first spin-out from the Transport Systems Catapult. He retains a role as Lead Technologist for Modelling and Visualisation at the TSC, a secondment role to the Science and Research team at the UK Department for Transport and is an Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London.

Erik Nygard
CEO & Co-Founder, LimejumpErik Nygard


Kevin O’Brien
Chief Business Officer, Orbital Insight Speaker bioKevin O’Brien

Kevin leads all commercialization strategy and activities for Orbital Insight, as well as leading financial oversight, reporting and strategy. Prior to his role at Orbital Insight, Kevin was the Regional Director for the Americas, Global Banking & Brokerage, for FactSet Research Systems. Kevin joined FactSet in conjunction with the acquisition of Revere Data, LLC, where he was President and CEO. Originally trained as a software engineer, Kevin earned a BBA in Management Information Systems from James Madison University. He earned an MBA in Innovation, Strategy & Information Technology from the EDHEC Business School in Nice, France.

Bob O’Connor
Partner, Emerging Companies Practice, Energy & Infrastructure, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Speaker bioBob O’Connor

Robert (Bob) O’Connor is a corporate partner with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. Bob’s global practice focuses on the representation high-growth enterprises, with an emphasis on those innovating in the energy, infrastructure, mobility, consumer products, and sustainability sectors, as well as the representation of venture capital and private equity firms, corporate venture groups, family offices, and impact investors that finance them. Bob serves as strategic partner to his clients and their boards of directors through a broad range of complex financing and strategic corporate transactions at all stages of their development, from inception through exit.
Bob is credited with having founded the firm’s energy and infrastructure practice in 2003 and co-leads the firm’s industry initiative today, which includes a cross-disciplinary team that is widely viewed as being among the preeminent energy and infrastructure practices in the country. Nationally recognized as a thought leader in the sector, Bob is a frequent speaker at prominent industry events nationally, and he is a go-to strategic partner to universities, laboratories, and accelerators committed to technology commercialization directed at energy and infrastructure innovation.
Prior to founding the firm’s energy and infrastructure practice, Bob founded and served as managing partner of the firm’s Salt Lake City office, during which time Bob represented many of the leading venture capital and private equity investors and technology enterprises in the region, including Altiris (sold to Symantec), NPS Pharmaceuticals, Omniture (sold to Adobe Systems), and Overstock.com.
Bob also serves on the board of directors of the WSGR Foundation, a philanthropic vehicle for the firm’s partners to support charitable and other community organizations.

Rob O’Reilly
Senior Technical Staff Precision Ag and Industrial Monitoring, Analog Devices Speaker bioRob O’Reilly

Rob began his career with Analog Devices in 1991 as part of the Micromachined Products Division, first as a consultant, followed by joining the company in a full time capacity in 1995. Rob was part of the ADI team that developed the initial production test systems that enabled ADI to take on automotive airbag sensing challenges. While at ADI he has led many groups within the MEMS division including MEMS Applications, Advanced Test, Production Test, Trim and Probe, and Characterization.
Rob is currently exploring Precision Ag as a sensor to cloud strategy, which has led to the now very public IoTomato project. The IoTomato project is a full sensor to cloud with Material science strategy focused on the attribute of Taste. The result of initial pilots has revealed profiles of the growth cycle impact on taste. Increasing both the measurands the number of growth cycles will help to improve the models used to predict taste. The “in field” approach has led to new sensor modeling strategies, more appropriate field measures, and a widening of Tomato attributes. Stay tuned.
Rob is also working with the team developing the Industrial monitoring solution for Condition Based Monitoring. This system will bring sensor to cloud strategies to factories (and farms) using a similar approach to the Precision Ag solutions as Industrial monitoring is just precision Ag with walls (and a different sensor cluster).
Rob holds several patents in MEMS technologies for accelerometer, gyro and combo test platforms. In 2012, Rob was inducted into the MEMS Industry Group’s Hall of Fame and continues to serve on their Technical Advisory, Test Standards and the Accelerated Innovations Subcommittees. Rob’s interest include Music, Hockey, Golf, and time travel….

Lawrence Orsini
CEO, LO3 Energy Speaker bioLawrence Orsini

Lawrence Orsini is the founder of LO3 Energy, an energy and technology centric company that builds tools and develops projects to accelerate the proliferation of the emerging distributed energy and computation economy.
His experience spans the energy field from managing relationships with Fortune 100 utility and corporate clients to development of utility policy and regulatory frameworks. Prior to LO3 Energy, Lawrence was the Director of New Products for CLEAResult and the strategic lead responsible for development, piloting and deployment of new utility service offerings focusing on energy efficiency, microgrids, and load management for commercial, industrial and residential market sectors.

Chris Paterson
Digital Farming Lead for North America, Bayer CropScience Speaker bioChris Paterson

Chris Paterson is the Lead for Bayer’s Digital Farming initiative in Canada. Before joining Bayer, Chris has been immersed into the North American AgTech space for more than ten years. Chris relies on his background as a farmer, an ag retailer, a consulting agronomist, and a crop inputs marketer in several continents for insight into choosing the right technologies to best support the fundamentals of agronomy, business, and logistics . Outside of work, Chris has traveled through more than 30 countries, and especially likes to travel by motorcycle.

Diego Diaz Pilas
Head of New Ventures, Iberdrola Speaker bioDiego Diaz Pilas

Diego is responsible for the management of Iberdrola´s 70 M€ venture capital program – Iberdrola Ventures – PERSEO, aimed at investing in smart energy start-ups. He joined Iberdrola in 2008 and since then he has contributed to the launch and management of the company´s venture program, engaging its activity with the corporate innovation strategy. Leading a team of investment professionals, he is responsible for the management of the program and the full life cycle of the investments, serving as a director in the board of key portfolio companies. Addtionally Diego also leads the Technology Prospective Analysis unit in charge of assessing the potential of key technologies for the future of the energy sector.
After graduating, he developed his career in several roles related to engineering, technology development, innovation and entrepreneurship both in the Telco (Telefonica R&D and Eircom) and Energy sectors.
He holds an M.Sc in Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and an executive degree in Venture Capital from the Walter A. Haas School of Business in the University of California at Berkeley.

Milan Poidl
Head of SV Innovation Hub, Enel Speaker bioMilan Poidl

Milan Poidl holds a B.A. in Environmental Management from UC Santa Barbara as well as Masters Degrees in Business Administration from CU Denver & International Management from Thunderbird. Since 2004 he has worked in technology, consumer products & the energy sector with global multinational corporations focused on consumer centric marketing & innovation.
At Applica Consumer Products, he built the company brand equity through new product development and strategic branding. In 2012, after the sale of Applica to Spectrum Brands, Milan joined Liberty Power to drive product innovation. He is credited with conceptualizing & launching the company’s retail renewables energy offering, delivering the fastest sales growth rate in history. He joined Enel in 2014, as Head of Innovation in Peru. In 2017, Milan launched the Enel Innovation Hub in Silicon Valley, responsible for scouting & matching new technologies to company needs. To date, the Enel has evaluated more than 1,700 new technologies; launched over 80 POC’s and deployed over 30 new solutions through its industrial partnership approach with startups.

Ryan Popple
President and CEO, Proterra Speaker bioRyan Popple

Ryan Popple is the president and CEO of Proterra, the leading innovator of zero-emission, battery-electric buses. Prior to Proterra, Ryan was a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. An early employee of Tesla Motors, he was senior director of finance, with a focus on strategic planning, technology cost reduction and corporate finance. Ryan serves as a board member of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and is focused on increasing access to affordable, sustainable transportation solutions throughout Silicon Valley and the Bay Area, through strategic partnerships and policy initiatives. He is also a member of the California League of Conservation Voters Green Advisory Council where he provides guidance on political and legislative priorities, communications planning and development efforts. Ryan has served in the U.S. Army, received a bachelor’s in business administration from the College of William & Mary and a master’s in business administration from Harvard University.

Joshua Posamentier
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Congruent Ventures Speaker bioJoshua Posamentier

Joshua Posamentier is Managing Partner and co-founder of Congruent Ventures, an early stage venture firm that backs companies in the sustainable technology ecosystem.
Prior to co-founding Congruent Ventures, Joshua was at Prelude Ventures where he helped build its current portfolio including Alveo Energy, Aquion Energy, Heliotrope Technologies, Pivot Bio, QuantumScape, Renew Financial, Ripple Foods, Sense, Solarbridge Technology (Acquired by SunPower), and Yerdle.
Before Prelude Joshua was co-founder and CEO of Blipstream, a location services company acquired in 2008. He also built up National Semiconductor’s Battery Management, Electric Vehicle, and Smart Grid business units, contributing to the company’s alternative energy strategy. Texas Instruments acquired National in 2011. Previously, Joshua held various technical and marketing positions at Intel Corporation and Intel Capital. During his tenure at Intel, Joshua was responsible for strategy around the company’s first wireless chips, its first metro area network optical transponders, and several IoT related technologies.
Joshua has over 50 patents issued or pending and holds a BA in physics from the University California at Berkeley and MBAs from the Columbia Business School and UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

Matt Price
Managing Director, Partnerships, Cyclotron Road Speaker bioMatt Price

Before joining Cyclotron Road, Matt was a Vice President at Enlighted Inc. the leading wireless sensor network and lighting controls manufacturer for commercial and industrial buildings. Prior to joining Enlighted in 2011, Matt was a Principal at Nth Power, where he led investments in a broad range of energy and cleantech areas including materials and nanotechnology, fuel cells, biofuels, advanced lighting, and smart grid technologies. Matt is Kauffman Fellow and received his M.B.A. from the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley. While at Haas, he co-founded the Berkeley Energy Resource Collaborative (BERC). He holds a B.S. in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University.

Dr. Pratima Rangarajan
CEO, OGCI Climate InvestmentsDr. Pratima Rangarajan


Ulrich Quay
Managing Director, BMW i Ventures Speaker bioUlrich Quay

Ulrich has been Head of BMW i Ventures since July 2011. BMW i Ventures initially invested out of a EUR 100m commitment from its New York office in the areas of Mobility Services (e-mobility, navigation, parking, car sharing and intermodal mobility solutions). In summer 2016, BMW i Ventures launched a EUR 500m fund – which is co-headed by Uwe Higgen – and opened an office in Mountain View in addition to Munich. BMW i Ventures invests in autonomous driving, digital car and automotive cloud, e-mobility, artificial intelligence and data, Industry 4.0, shared & on-demand mobility, customer digital life and energy services. BMW i Ventures’ team of 10 investment professionals has invested in 30 portfolio companies. Ulrich is on the board of Chargepoint, Ridecell, Fair, Scoop, Caroobi and Shift.

James Redford
Co-founder and Chair, The Redford Center Speaker bioJames Redford

James Redford writes, produces and directs for Film and Television. Prior to completing “HAPPENING: A Clean Energy Revolution” for HBO, Jamies’ other HBO films include “TOXIC HOT SEAT”, “THE BIG PICTURE: Rethinking Dyslexia”, “MANN V. FORD” and “THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS”. While completing “HAPPENING”, James has been traveling the world as an American Film Showcase ambassador with his two award-winning documentary films. RESILIENCE: the Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope” as well as “PAPER TIGERS.”
James is the Co-founder and Chair of The Redford Center, a non-profit media entity that engages people though inspiring stories that galvanize environmental action. Among many of it’s functions, the center’s documentary film projects include WATERSHED, FIGHTING GOLIATH and THE ART OF ACTIVISM. James lives in Marin County California. His interests include playing lead guitar for Olive and the Dirty Martinis as well as yoga, skiing surfing and cycling.

Phil Redman
ESG Director, OneTrust Speaker bioPhil Redman

Phil Redman serves as the Director of OneTrust’s ESG solution suite, working with companies to simplify the complex task of collecting and reporting on corporate ESG data. In his role, Redman is responsible for the product and go-to-market strategy for OneTrust’s environmental, social, and governance solution. He enjoys working with customers and providing features and benefits they didn’t know they needed. Redman brings over 15 years of global, enterprise technology experience at companies like Accenture and Citrix, and is a former VP and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner.

Ed Reiskin
Director of Transportation, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Speaker bioEd Reiskin

In July 2011, Edward D. Reiskin was named the Director of Transportation of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA).
In this role, Mr. Reiskin oversees the Municipal Railway (Muni), parking, traffic engineering, bicycle and pedestrian safety, accessibility, and taxi regulation. Muni is one of the oldest public transit agencies in America and the largest in the Bay Area, currently carrying more than 200 million riders per year and 700,000 boardings on an average weekday.
Mr. Reiskin has the responsibility for more than 5,000 employees, a $1 billion annual operating budget, and a $3 billion capital budget. He oversees the advancement of the Central Subway Project, the 1.7 mile extension of the Third Street Light Rail Line that will connect the city’s southeast with the growing and most densely populated neighborhoods, such as South of Market and Chinatown. Mr. Reiskin is also leading the development of the Van Ness bus rapid transit project, which will create a two-mile dedicated right-of-way on one of the city’s key north-south corridors.
Mr. Reiskin sits on numerous citywide bodies, such as the Capital Planning Committee, the Disaster Council, and the Committee on Information Technology. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, and is past President of the National Association of City Transportation Officials, NACTO.
He also oversees key initiatives such as Muni Forward and Vision Zero. Muni Forward is a program of service increases, vehicle replacement, infrastructure investment, and communications improvements to improve Muni’s reliability and performance. Vision Zero is the city’s policy and goal to eliminate traffic fatalities by 2024 through street redesign, education, enforcement, and policy changes.
Mr. Reiskin has more than 20 years of experience in the private, academic, nonprofit and public sectors. Before joining the SFMTA, he was appointed in 2008 by Mayor Gavin Newsom and then-City Administrator Edwin Lee as Director of the Department of Public Works for the City and County of San Francisco. He led Public Works’ three divisions with more than 1,100 employees, whose responsibilities ranged from engineering, construction management and project delivery to graffiti removal, street cleaning and public engagement programs.
Mr. Reiskin holds a Master of Public Administration degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, a Master of Business Administration degree from New York University’s Stern School of Business, and a Bachelor of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jonathan Rhone
CEO, Axine Water Technologies Speaker bioJonathan Rhone

Jonathan is an award-winning, serial cleantech entrepreneur. In his current role as CEO of Axine Water Technologies, he’s scaling-up the company to revolutionize industrial wastewater treatment and address a global environmental problem. He’s also a founder and director of Evok Innovations, a $100 million cleantech venture fund with a mission to transform the energy value chain. Jonathan is the founder and former CEO of Nexterra Systems a global supplier of waste-to-energy systems. Prior to Nexterra, he held leadership positions with a NASDAQ-listed cleantech company, and the Delphi Group, an international consultancy. He began his career in oil and gas with Amoco Canada (now BP).
Jonathan chairs the BC Cleantech CEO Alliance. He is a past board member of Vancity Capital, the venture financing subsidiary of Vancity. He is a past member of the BC Premier’s Technology Council and has sat on a number of private and public sector advisory boards. In 2009, he was recognized as Technology Industry Person of the Year by the BC Technology Industry Association. In 2020, he was recognized as Industry Icon by the BC Cleantech Industry.

Sarah Richardson
Co-Founder, MicroByre Speaker bioSarah Richardson

Dr. Sarah Richardson grew up in west Baltimore. She earned a B.S. in biology from the University of Maryland in 2004 and a Ph.D. in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology from Johns Hopkins University in 2011. She was awarded a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship to pursue research on algorithms for the design of synthetic nucleotide sequences and the engineering and assembly of a synthetic yeast genome. Sarah joined the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2012 as a Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Genomics at the DOE Joint Genome Institute and the DOE Joint Bioenergy Institute to work on massive scale synthetic biology projects and the genomics of non-model bacteria. In 2015 she was awarded a Synthetic Biology Leadership Excellence Accelerator Program fellowship and a L’Oréal Women in Science Postdoctoral fellowship. She is now a cofounder of MicroByre, a company dedicated to the domestication of non-model bacteria.

Chris Ripley
Founder & CEO, Smarter Sorting Speaker bioChris Ripley

Chris has spent the past three years advising policymakers and operators within the HHW world and has been a speaker at multiple North American Hazardous Materials Management Association events. He has been the founder and CEO of multiple startups, creating and growing nine core companies generating $110M+ in revenue.
Chris has consulted Portland Metro and the City of Austin on how to improve their paint recycling programs. During these engagements he had the “aha moment” that there could be a better way to sort Household Hazardous Waste.
Chris’ proudest achievement is that he graduated from Williams College.

Pat Romano
President & CEO, ChargePoint Speaker bioPat Romano

Pasquale Romano is President and Chief Executive Officer of ChargePoint and a member of the company’s board of directors. He currently sits on the board of Agilone, CALSTART, Proterra and the YMCA of Silicon Valley. Pasquale joined ChargePoint in February of 2011, bringing more than 25 years of technology industry leadership and executive management experience to the company. He co-founded 2Wire which was acquired by Pace plc for $475M in 2010. Previously, Pasquale held multiple positions in marketing and engineering at Polycom. In 1989, he co-founded Fluent, Inc., a digital video networking company and served as Chief Architect until it was sold to Novell Corporation in 1993. Pasquale holds an undergraduate degree in computer science from Harvard University and received his M.S. from MIT.

Will Rosenzweig
Founder and Chair, Food Venture Lab Speaker bioWill Rosenzweig

Recipient of the 2010 Oslo Business for Peace Award, William Rosenzweig is an internationally recognized entrepreneur, educator and an avid gardener. Will has spent over 25 years cultivating thriving startups while teaching and mentoring mission-driven entrepreneurs around
the world. Will serves as a Senior Advisor to Generation Investment Management, a public and growth equity practice chaired by Al Gore. Will was founding CEO (and Minister of Progress) of The Republic of Tea and co-author of The Republic of Tea: How an Idea Becomes a Business,
which was named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. Will has served on the professional faculty of the Haas School of Business at UC, Berkeley, since 1999 where he is a Social Impact Fellow. He currently leads Food Venture Lab, a cross-disciplinary graduate innovation course, and Edible Education 101 with Alice Waters. Will is also managing partner of Physic Ventures. In 2015, Will founded and was named Dean of The Food Business School at The Culinary Institute of America and in 2016, he was named one of seven people shaping the Future of Food by Bon Appetit magazine.

Siddhartha Sachdeva
Founder & CEO, Innowatts Speaker bioSiddhartha Sachdeva

Innowatts is an energy technology company headquartered out of Houston. It was founded in 2013 with the vision of leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning analytics to change the way energy is bought, consumed and managed. Innowatts is backed by Shell Technology Ventures, Iberdrola and EEI-Japan.
Sid focuses on overall business strategy at Innowatts, and is working closely with some of world’s leading energy providers on building the Utility of the Future. Under his leadership, Innowatts has grown organically to serve more than 14MM meters across different energy markets.
Prior to founding Innowatts, Sid spent 15 years working across companies, like Sony, Indian Navy, Air Mauritius, NTT, and NRG Energy.
At NRG, he built an energy forecasting and analytics group, enabling more than $4 billion of power procurement on an annualized basis.
Sid holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Institute of Technology in India and a Master’s in Business Economics from the University of Delhi.

Jeannine Sargent
Senior Advisor, Generation Investment Management Speaker bioJeannine Sargent

A global CEO, entrepreneur, investor and proven innovator, Jeannine has built and scaled multi-billion dollar businesses at the cutting edge of technology and emerging markets.
A visionary executive with experience across multiple industries including Consumer, Energy, Digital Health, Cloud/Mobility, Communications, Industrial/Advanced Manufacturing, and Semiconductors.
Currently an Advisor and Investor, she also serves on several Boards. Previously the President of Innovation and New Ventures at Flex (NASDQ:FLEX), a $25B leading sketch-to-scale solutions company with a global workforce of over 200,000, that designs and builds intelligent products for a connected world. Jeannine was responsible for worldwide innovation activities including innovation labs/centers, global design & engineering, launching new product businesses, the Lab IX accelerator, and corporate venture investments for Flex.
Prior to Flex, she held CEO and executive positions at Oerlikon Solar, Veeco Instruments, Voyan Technology, Gasonics, Tencor, and Digital Equipment Corporation.
Jeannine holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, magna cum laude, from Northeastern University and has completed executive education programs at Stanford University, MIT Sloan and IMD/Harvard University. She currently serves on the Board of Cypress Semiconductor, VUV Analytics, Board of Trustees at Northeastern University, Digital Advisory Board of BASF, and is a Senior Advisor to Generation Investment Management LLP.

Debs Schrimmer
Transportation Policy Manager, LyftDebs Schrimmer


Craig Scott
Director, Advanced Technologies Group, Toyota Speaker bioCraig Scott

Mr. Scott is Director of Advanced Technologies, Corporate Strategy & Planning at Toyota Motor North America. Within his role in the Advanced Technologies Group, Craig is responsible for product planning and program development for alternative fuel vehicle programs including the Toyota Mirai fuel cell vehicle and Project Portal, the world’s first OEM-produced Class 8 heavy duty fuel cell truck. Previously he also managed vehicle programs including Prius, Scion iQ EV and the Toyota i-Road urban mobility vehicle. In addition to vehicle development, Craig also oversees all US hydrogen infrastructure planning and implementation activities. He is responsible for the development of proprietary research work related to global energy issues and sustainable transportation systems. Prior to Toyota, Craig was an assistant portfolio manager with Pacific Investment Management Company in Newport Beach, CA.
Mr. Scott has a BS in Finance and Japanese Studies and a MBA in Strategy and Finance from the University of Southern California.

Pankaj Sehgal
Senior Managing Director, Investments, SUN Group Speaker bioPankaj Sehgal

Pankaj led SUN Group’s initiatives in Clean Energy. He has (i) 10 years of experience in Solar; (ii) has evaluated over 300 clean businesses & projects primarily in India; and (iii) advised the Indian government and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on the country’s National Solar Mission (NSM) in 2009-2010; (iv) besides developing one of the first-generation solar projects in India in 2011 (which continues to be the fastest solar project developed in the country) and secured among the first non-recourse debt for a solar project.
Earlier, Pankaj was MD, Asia Pacific at Quark, a global leader in desktop publishing software, where he managed 1,800-employee organization and helped turn-around the company’s software development within a year. Before that he was in the US for 18 years – with McKinsey & Company counselling senior clients in High-tech and Energy sectors; Vice President at i2 Technologies (then publicly-listed supply-chain software company), and held management positions with Kraft Foods.
Pankaj received an MBA from Kellogg Business School (Jane Robertson Scholar, he graduated top of his class) and Masters in Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. He Chairs the Clean Energy forum of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE), Delhi.

Michael Selden
CEO & Co-Founder, Finless Foods Speaker bioMichael Selden

Michael Selden has a background in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He has worked on the evolutionary biomechanics of mantis shrimp, the epigenetics of fusarium oxysporum, and in high-throughput cancer screening. He has also worked as a high school chemistry teacher in Taichung, Taiwan. He moved on to help coordinate scientific research at New Harvest and create a global network of scientists, compiling research to unpack and understand serum-free culture media.

Laura Shenkar
Founder and Principal, Artemis Water Strategy Speaker bioLaura Shenkar

Laura works with leading investors, farmers and corporations to mitigate water risk. As a consultant to Walmart, Intel, and the US State Department, she has mapped out a diverse group of water tech solutions for immediate savings and long-term operational resilience. Recent projects have applied resilience strategies to develop profitable, water-spartan farming operations. Working with investors such as Generate Capital (www.generatecapital.com), Laura adapted financial vehicles from the solar industry to outfit corporations and municipal government with advanced water technology on a “pay for performance” basis. Laura established the Artemis Top 50 Water Tech Start-Up Competition, which convened a jury of water leaders to evaluate over 1000 water tech companies from 17 countries and identify the emerge leaders.
Laura is working with the University of California and the National Renewable Energy Lab to develop a water innovation hub for the US Department of Energy. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA from Yale University.

Ena Cratsenburg
Chief Business Officer, Ginkgo BioworksEna Cratsenburg


Gireesh Shrimali
Director, India program, Climate Policy Initiative Speaker bioGireesh Shrimali

Dr. Gireesh Shrimali is the Director of CPI’s India program, and a Fellow at the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance at Stanford University. He leads CPI India’s team of analysts who work to increase investment for India’s renewable energy and green growth targets, by analysing barriers to investment, and developing policy and financial solutions to those barriers. Gireesh and his team work closely with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, the Ministry of Finance, and other policymakers to help advance India towards its clean development goals.
Gireesh directs the India Innovation Lab for Green Finance (the India Lab), which identifies, develops, and accelerates innovative green finance instruments for unlocking and scaling up investment for green infrastructure and clean growth in India. He also leads CPI’s program management team for US-India Clean Energy Finance (USICEF), which is India’s first facility to help promising distributed solar projects develop into viable investment opportunities, through essential early-stage project preparation support. USICEF is a keystone of the commitment made between the Indian and U.S. governments to mobilize finance for Indian distributed clean energy.
Previously, Gireesh taught at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and at the Indian School of Business (ISB) at Hyderabad, where he helped found the CPI-ISB Energy and Environment Program in collaboration with CPI. His previous work has included topics such as analysis of India’s solar policies, the impact of federal and state policies on the development and deployment of renewable energy in the U.S., and business models for off-grid energy in developing countries.
Gireesh holds a PhD from Stanford University, an MS from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and a B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi.
Gireesh regularly speaks at events and as an expert on India’s renewable energy policy and finance to media.

Samar Singla
CEO, Jugnoo Speaker bioSamar Singla

Samar is a physicist by education and has previously worked as a researcher at IBM and CERN. He is an avid traveller and amateur photographer who likes to document the everyday world.

David Snydacker
CEO, Lilac Solutions Speaker bioDavid Snydacker

Dave Snydacker is CEO at Lilac Solutions, which is building mining technology for the lithium industry. Lilac enables enhanced lithium recovery from existing lithium brine projects in South America and enables development of new lithium resources across North America. Dave holds a PhD in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University.

Dan Squiller
CEO, AquamDan Squiller


Frances Raftis
Senior Data Scientist and Software Developer, Awesense Speaker bioFrances Raftis

Frances Raftis is a Senior Data Scientist and Software Developer at Awesense where she works on automating the data integration pipeline. She has previously worked on a network server for smart meters at Tantalus Systems, and holds an MSc in Computational Biology and Molecular Evolution.

Tom Stepien
CEO, South 8Tom Stepien


Daniel Teichmann
Founder & Managing Director, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies Speaker bioDaniel Teichmann

Dr. Daniel Teichmann is co-founder and Managing Director of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies. The engineer conceptually developed the industrial application of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC)-based hydrogen storage as part of his doctorate at Friedrich Alexander University (Germany, Erlangen/Nuremberg). After his first professional station at BMW AG Research and Technology, he decided in 2013 to set up the startup with professors Peter Wasserscheid, Wolfgang Arlt and Eberhard Schlücker – the successful path from research to commercialisation began.
Today, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH with its storage and release systems is a leading player worldwide for easy-to-handle, safe and efficient hydrogen infrastructure solutions and has been honoured with awards such as the ” German Industry Innovation Award” and has been named one of the “Global Cleantech 100” every year since 2018.
Together with strategic investors AP-Ventures, Royal Vopak, Mitsubishi Corporation, Covestro, Winkelmann Group and Hyundai Motor Company, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies is driving the scaling of its LOHC technology in projects worldwide.

Chris Thomas
Founder and Partner, Fontinalis Partners Speaker bioChris Thomas

Chris is a Founder and Partner of Fontinalis, where he is responsible for a wide range of critical processes ranging from deal sourcing and execution to corporate operations and business strategy. Chris also works in concert with Fontinalis’ portfolio companies on business development, sales and marketing initiatives.
Prior to Fontinalis, he worked at Ford Motor Company in Sustainable Business Development and Treasury. Previously, Chris served in the U.S. Army as a Communications Officer in Iraq. Before joining the military, Chris worked as an Investment Banker at UBS within its Technology and Energy groups in New York and San Francisco.
Chris currently serves on the Board of Directors of two of Fontinalis’ portfolio companies, nuTonomy and Karamba Security. He also currently serves as a Board Observer of three of Fontinalis’ portfolio companies: Life360, SmartKargo, and SQLstream. Additionally, Chris serves on the Board of Directors of the Detroit Regional Chamber and is a member of both the Global Cleantech 100 expert panel and the Techweek Detroit Executive Advisory Board. Chris has previously served as the Chairman of Read to a Child, a national children’s literacy and mentoring nonprofit and as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Personal Transportation Systems.
Chris earned his Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Yale School of Management. While at Yale he served on the Honor Committee and graduated with distinction in former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s seminar on Faith and Globalization. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Economics and International Relations from Michigan State University. Chris is a resident of the City of Detroit and a staunch advocate of smart cities, early childhood literacy, and the doctrine of the strenuous life.

Mark Thomas
VP of Marketing, RideCell Speaker bioMark Thomas

Mark Thomas is the VP of Marketing and Alliances at Ridecell and is responsible for marketing Ridecell, the world’s leading platform to launch, operate and scale new car and ride sharing mobility services. Prior to joining Ridecell, Thomas headed the connected car marketing team at Cisco Jasper, where he developed the product and go-to-market strategies for automotive OEMs. Prior to Cisco, Mark led product marketing at HERE, a leading automotive maps company. In addition, Mark served in marketing, strategy, and business development roles at Apple and Nokia. Mark holds a B.A. from University of California, Berkeley, and an M.B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business.

Curtis VanWalleghem
CEO and Co-Founder, Hydrostor Speaker bioCurtis VanWalleghem

Curtis is CEO and Co-Founder of Hydrostor, a leader in the compressed air energy storage market. Prior to Hydrostor, Curtis was Sr. Manager in Deloitte’s Corporate Strategy Consulting Practice where he advised and consulted for some of the top energy companies globally. He has also held positions at nuclear generator Bruce Power and wind developer Environmental Electric Company.

Mark Vasu
Executive Vice President, Greentown Labs Speaker bioMark Vasu

As Executive Vice President, Mark Vasu leads and supports revenue-generating activities that sustain and grow Greentown Labs. He manages a portfolio of (40) corporate sponsors, partnerships with organizations in the cleantech ecosystem, and oversees the member pipeline. He also provides consulting and advisory services to new or growing incubators, and is helping to grow a national network of incubators.
Prior to Greentown Labs, Mark was the founder of perCent Inc., a software company focused on reducing personal energy use and spending. He also founded and led CMV Marketing, a marketing and sustainable strategy-consulting firm for social-purpose companies and high-performing social enterprises. He served in marketing and business development leadership roles working for the founders of three high growth social enterprises as the first development director for City Year, a model national service program that inspired President Clinton to create AmeriCorps; VP Marketing for ChildrenFirst, a pioneer of corporate-sponsored onsite child care and early education services (acquired by Bright Horizons); and Jumpstart, a national early childhood education program involving mentoring of low-income pre-school children by college students.
Mark holds a BA Economics from Duke University and began his career as a technology lender at a commercial bank. Mark was on the founding steering committee, and co-chaired the Boston Cleanweb Hackathon (2012, 2013, 2014). He has served on the Board of uAspire, a Boston based education non-profit from 2007 – 2015. He lives in Newton with his wife and is raising two sons. Every summer he water skis for one loop around a New Hampshire lake to remind him of his younger days when he skied barefoot.

Sergey Vasylyev
CEO, Lucent Optics Speaker bioSergey Vasylyev

Sergey Vasylyev is the founder and CEO of Lucent Optics, an innovation company which mission is to create impactful technology solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Having an academic background and PhD in physics and mathematics, Sergey has published over 40 scientific and technical papers in the fields of space physics, solar energy and information technology earlier in his career. Having subsequently dedicated over 15 years to inventing and developing new technologies in business startup environment, Sergey has been awarded more than 30 U.S. patents and has about 30 pending patent applications in the areas of information technology, IOT, solar concentrators and photovoltaics, daylighting, solid-state lighting, electronic displays, backlights and photonics.
Sergey is a world-class expert in concentrating solar power and lightguide-based illumination systems. His expertise also includes strategic IP planning and protection, technology novelty evaluation and due diligence.

Lance Wheeler
Research Scientist, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Speaker bioLance Wheeler

Lance Wheeler is a Research Scientist at the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) where his research spans the fundamental science of nanostructures to the demonstration of next-generation energy technologies in the form of photovoltaics and solar fuels. He is the inventor of the first photovoltaic window device that “switches” from transparent to tinted upon solar illumination. Commercialization of this technology, dubbed SwitchGlaze, has stimulated his interest in entrepreneurship as the next step toward ensuring a sustainable energy future. When not in the lab, you’ll find him in the mountains or competing in a curling tournament.

Steve Weiss
Marketing, Genomatica Speaker bioSteve Weiss

Steve has led Genomatica’s marketing since May 2010, as a consultant. Steve is also co-founder of Grey Heron, a management and strategic marketing consulting firm that helps executives and investors turn technology into substantive businesses, in energy and resource efficiency, cleantech, the Internet of Things, cloud software and advanced materials. Their 130+ clients include multiple Cleantech 100 winners, plus Bioeconomy notables such as Genomatica, Liquid Light (acquired by Avantium) and Beta Renewables. Steve has shared guidance on strategy, fundraising and differentiation in multiple articles, webinars and video interviews. Steve has Masters and Bachelors degrees in Computer Science from MIT and has held research, product development, marketing and general management roles at IBM, HP, Neuron Data (AI) and multiple startups. Read Steve’s articles and follow him on LinkedIn.

David Wilson
Chief Innovation Officer, Bechtel’s Future Fund Speaker bioDavid Wilson

David J Wilson is chief innovation officer, and works in the Houston office. He was elected principal vice president in 2016.
David manages Bechtel’s Future Fund, a program designed to encourage colleagues across the company to create, share, explore and develop new ideas to enhance performance and competitiveness.
David joined Bechtel in 2001 as a mechanical systems engineer at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant in Richland, Wash. Since then he has held positions of increasing responsibility with leadership roles as a Lean Six Sigma black belt and as manager of a telecommunications mobility project. His most recent role was as manager of innovation and virtual project delivery for the infrastructure global business unit.
David is a graduate of the University of Utah and received a master’s degree in 2006 in Engineering and Technology Management. He is a certified professional engineer and Six Sigma Master Black Belt.

Lincoln Wood
Regional Director of Technology and Innovation, Turner Construction Company Speaker bioLincoln Wood

Lincoln Wood is the Regional Director of Technology and Innovation at Turner Construction Company. His background includes experience as a Virtual Design and Construction regional manager, startup advisor, project engineer, designer, and carpenter. Lincoln’s passion to innovate the construction industry is rooted in a belief that a fundamental shift from our current state can only occur when the AEC community fully invests in working together, engaging experts across all fields to reexamine the rules and boundaries of what is possible. Lincoln founded Turner Labs, a research and development group focused on Turner’s Northern California region. Turner Labs coaches internal teams on solving Turner’s critical business challenges through a process of rapid experiments with multiple stakeholders. Turner Labs’ goal is to provide employees with a supportive environment for entrepreneurial thinking, problem solving, and continuous innovation, guided by a belief that Turner’s best defense against any business threat is to fully harness the potential of its people.

Pete Worden
Executive Director, Breakthrough Starshot; former Director of NASA Ames Research Center Speaker bioPete Worden

Simon Peter “Pete” Worden, (Brig. Gen., USAF, Ret., PhD) is the Chairman of the Breakthrough Prize Foundation and Executive Director of the foundation’s ‘Breakthrough Initiatives’. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Michigan and a PhD in Astronomy for the University of Arizona. Prior to joining the Breakthrough Prize Foundation, Dr. Worden was Director of NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, USA until his retirement on March 31, 2015. He has held several positions in the United States Air Force and was research professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. He is a recognized expert on space and science issues – both civil and military, and has been a leader in building partnerships between governments and the private sector internationally.
Dr. Worden has authored or co-authored more than 150 scientific papers in astrophysics space sciences, and strategic studies. He served as a scientific co-investigator for three NASA space science missions – most recently the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph launched in 2013 to study the Sun. He received the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal for the 1994 Clementine Mission to the moon. Dr. Worden was named the 2009 Federal Laboratory Consortium Laboratory Director of the Year and is the recipient of the 2010 Arthur C. Clarke Innovator’s Award.
On July 20, 2015 at the Royal Society in London, UK, Yuri Milner and Stephen Hawking launched the Breakthrough Initiatives. At the press conference Pete Worden was introduced as the Chairman for the Breakthrough Prize Foundation. In this capacity he leads the Breakthrough Initiatives.

Roger Wyse
Managing Partner, Spruce Capital Partners Speaker bioRoger Wyse

Dr. Wyse is a Managing Partner of Spruce Capital Partners and BAR Capital Management. Previously he was a Managing Director at Burrill & Company. He joined Burrill in 1998 and led the development of the agriculture, food, nutraceuticals, and industrial biotech venture activities. He left Burrill in November 2013 to cofound Spruce Capital Partners which currently serves as the co-manager of Malaysian Life Sciences Capital Fund (MLSCF) and MLS Capital Fund II.
Prior to joining Burrill, Dr. Wyse served for five years as Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is widely known for research excellence across its programs in biological, food, and agricultural sciences. Before that, Dr. Wyse served as Dean of Research at Cook College, Rutgers University, and Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station from 1986 to 1992.
Dr. Wyse is Co-Chairman of MLSCF and is a member of the International Advisory Panel for Biotechnology (BioIAP) and the Global Science and Innovation Advisory Council (GSIAC) for the Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is a member of the EU-based Knowledge Economy Network Advisory Board. He was founder and Chairman of the Board of the Alliance for Animal Genome Research, a non-profit organization promoting increased public funding for animal genomics research and served on the Advisory Board of the College of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley.
Dr. Wyse spent 16 years as a scientist in the USDA-ARS earning international recognition for his basic research on the physiological factors that determine yield potential in crop plants. He has published over 150 scientific papers. In recognition of his research accomplishments, he received the prestigious Arthur Flemming Award in 1982 as the Outstanding Young Scientist in the Federal Service. He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Crop Science Society of America and the American Society of Agronomy. He has also served as a consultant to numerous Fortune 500 companies.
Relevant to the biogreentech space, Dr. Wyse served as Co-CEO of Third Wave Agbio Inc. and was founding President and CEO of Pyxis Genomics, a fully integrated animal genomics company. He was the founder Efficas, a science based bioactives discovery company. He served as Chairman of the Board of Chromatin, CreAgri, Natural Dentist, and Cerca. He served on the Boards of Abunda (Co-founder), Attune Foods, Corazonas Foods, Lightful, Cibus Genetics, The Brand Accelerator, Virdia (observer), Segetis, Lanzatech, Crop Design, Emerald Bio and Galapagos
Dr. Wyse received a BS degree in Agronomy from Ohio State University and a PhD in Plant Physiology from Michigan State University, where he also did post-doctoral work in the Department of Biochemistry.

Richard Youngman
CEO, Cleantech Group Speaker bioRichard Youngman

Since January 2016, Richard Youngman has been CEO of San-Francisco based Cleantech Group (CTG). This followed 7 years of driving the growth of CTG’s activities outside North America, especially in Europe and Israel, and Asia, based in CTG’s office in London.
Richard has more than ten years’ experience researching cleantech innovation, venture capital markets, and start-ups across Europe and globally. He is a regular keynote speaker at major cleantech events and is the driving force behind the annual Global Cleantech 100, a list of the world’s most promising private cleantech companies.

Robert Zabors
CEO, Enovation Partners Speaker bioRobert Zabors

Bob has worked with energy, infrastructure, transportation and private equity clients for more than 25 years. He has advised on strategies, investments and technology that have resulted in meaningful change and innovation. His articles have appeared in many industry publications, and his client work includes results recognized with the EEI Edison Award, M&A “Deal of the Year,” generation “Plant of the Year,” and “Best 10 Year Shareholder Return.” Bob has also participated in the Aspen Institute and has been an energy leader with the Clinton Global Initiative.

Kristine Wiley
R&D Manager, Gas Technology Institute Speaker bioKristine Wiley

Kristine Wiley is an R&D Manager at Gas Technology Institute. In this role she is responsible for developing research opportunities that provide solutions to maintain a safe and modern natural gas infrastructure while reducing environmental impacts. She has been working in the natural gas industry for 16 years. Her current focus has been on the detection and quantification of methane emissions; including national and state specific programs to improve methane emission inventories. Kristine also manages programs on the development and evaluation of new and emerging methane detection technologies for natural gas operators. In addition to her work on methane emissions she also leads programs focused on enabling the introduction of various renewable energy sources such as biomethane and hydrogen into the existing pipeline infrastructure. Kristine holds a BA and an MBA from the University of Chicago.
Our Forums gather the industry’s most important corporates, entrepreneurs, investors, service providers, and thought leaders. Join our featured sponsors of Cleantech Forum San Francisco and engage in our global cleantech innovation community.
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Gold Sponsors

Anglo American Platinum Limited is a member of the Anglo American Plc Group and is the world's leading primary producer of platinum group metals.
Read moreAnglo American Platinum, part of the Anglo American Group, is the world’s leading primary producer of platinum. Our mining operations provide raw materials to meet the growing demands of the world’s developed and maturing economies. Applications include jewellery, catalytic converters, air/water purification units, pacemakers, computer screens, hard disks as well as fuel cells.
The Platinum Group Metals (PGM) Investment Programme was established by Anglo American Platinum in 2013 and sits at the heart of the broader market development undertaken by the Group. The PGM Investment Programme provides early stage capital and growth capital to companies demonstrating commercial viability of products or technologies that use or enable the use of the company’s metals.

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) provides its clients with practical advice on foreign markets and on-the-ground intelligence to help them make better, more timely and cost-effective decisions in order to achieve their goals abroad. Le Service des délégués commerciaux du Canada (SDC) est une organisation gouvernementale qui facilite le commerce avec le Canada depuis 1895. Avec nos bureaux au Canada et dans le monde, nous sommes accessibles aux entreprises canadiennes et internationales qui cherchent à développer leurs activités et à rencontrer des partenaires fiables
Read moreLe Service des délégués commerciaux du Canada (SDC) est une organisation gouvernementale qui facilite le commerce avec le Canada depuis 1895. Avec nos bureaux au Canada et dans le monde, nous sommes accessibles aux entreprises canadiennes et internationales qui cherchent à développer leurs activités et à rencontrer des partenaires fiables. Grâce à notre connaissance approfondie des marchés mondiaux et notre compréhension des capacités de l’industrie de notre pays, nous pouvons vous mettre en contact avec des partenaires canadiens stratégiques en matière d’acquisition, d’investissement, d’innovation ou d’éducation. Laissez notre équipe de professionnels vous aider en vous rendant sur le site deleguescommerciaux.gc.ca !
Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) is a government organization that facilitates trade with Canada since 1895. With offices across Canada and around the world, we are accessible to both Canadian and international companies looking to increase their business and find trusted partners. With an in-depth knowledge of global markets and insight on Canadian industry sector capabilities, we can connect you with strategic procurement, investment, innovation or education partners in Canada. Let our team of professionals help you at tradecommissioner.gc.ca!

Cycle Capital Management is an impact investor and Canada’s largest cleantech venture capital investment platform with AUM (assets under management) close to CAD 0.5 billion.
Read moreCycle Capital Management is an impact investor and Canada’s largest cleantech venture capital investment platform with AUM (assets under management) close to CAD 0.5 billion. With offices in Montreal, Toronto and Qingdao – in continental China – and a presence in New York and Seattle, CCM invests throughout North America and China in growth stage companies that commercialize clean technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, optimize resource use and improve process efficiency. Cycle Capital is the Founder of the Ecofuel Accelerator and the Co-Founder of the Ecofuel Fund. For more information, visit: cyclecapital.com.

IN2 Is a unique technology incubator and platform that facilitates commercialization and adoption of clean energy technologies. Funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and co-administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), IN2 began as a $10 million program in 2014 with a focus on supporting commercial buildings-related clean technologies...
Read moreIN2 Is a unique technology incubator and platform that facilitates commercialization and adoption of clean energy technologies. Funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and co-administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), IN2 began as a $10 million program in 2014 with a focus on supporting commercial buildings-related clean technologies and IN2 is positioned to help companies think about their end customer, providing technical assistance that leverages the capabilities, facilities, equipment and the deep expertise that exists at NREL as well as the buildings portfolio of Wells Fargo to help companies derisk technologies and ease their path to market adoption and deployment. Based on the success of the IN2 model to date, in 2017, IN2 received an additional $20 million from the Wells Fargo Foundation enabling the program to expand its focus and grow its ability to support innovations and partnerships aligned with supporting clean and connected communities that are more inhabitable, cleaner, and more equitable. Commercial buildings will remain the cornerstone of the program, but IN2 will expand to support innovations in new verticals, such as transportation, residential, and food systems. IN2 h as decided to focus on these areas given their energy and sustainability impact, the potential for innovative solutions, and the programs’ ecosystems ability to affect change within these technology areas.

Morrison Foerster transforms complexity into advantage. With our collective intelligence, we shape powerful legal strategies that move your business forward while living our shared values.
Read moreMorrison Foerster transforms complexity into advantage. With our collective intelligence, we shape powerful legal strategies that move your business forward while living our shared values.
We solve your most critical multidimensional challenges in a way that provides clarity around the risk you are facing and gives you confidence in your chosen path. We pair diversity of perspective with a strategic consultative approach to craft the tailored strategies you need. We foster trusted partnerships that are defined by winning for you when it matters most.
Our clients include some of the largest financial institutions, Fortune 100 companies, and leading technology and life sciences companies. Whether established for decades or just an entrepreneur’s idea, we represent organizations as they grow, innovate, disrupt, and develop into leading industry players and household names.

As the nation’s largest natural gas distribution utility, we provide safe and reliable energy to 21.4 million consumers through 5.9 million meters in more than 500 communities...
Read moreAs the nation’s largest natural gas distribution utility, we provide safe and reliable energy to 21.4 million consumers through 5.9 million meters in more than 500 communities. Our service territory encompasses approximately 20,000 square miles in diverse terrain throughout Central and Southern California, from Visalia to the Mexican border. SoCalGas is a regulated subsidiary of Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE). Sempra Energy, based in San Diego, is a Fortune 500 energy services holding company. For additional information, please visit the Investor Relations section. For more than 140 years, SoCalGas has served Central and Southern California as a responsible and engaged environmental leader, employer and neighbor. With safe, clean, affordable, reliable and abundant domestic sources of natural gas, SoCalGas’ innovation is fueling new possibilities in California. Southern California is our home, too. We strive to improve the quality of life in our communities by maintaining a diverse workforce, working with suppliers that represent and reflect the communities we serve and giving back through our charitable contributions and employee volunteer activities. Like other investor-owned utilities in the state, SoCalGas’ operations are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission and other state and federal agencies.

The Swedish Energy Agency is a government agency for national energy policy issues. The Agency works for the use of renewable energy, improved technologies, a smarter end-use of energy, and mitigation of climate change...
Read moreThe Swedish Energy Agency is a government agency for national energy policy issues. The Agency works for the use of renewable energy, improved technologies, a smarter end-use of energy, and mitigation of climate change. Its mission is to promote the development of Sweden’s energy system so that it will become ecologically and economically sustainable. The Swedish Energy Agency supports start-up companies with financing, technical expertise, market knowledge and active business development, and thus has a portfolio of well-analyzed companies in different phases.

The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute is your premier gateway for doing business with Israeli companies. Established and funded by the government and the private sector, IEICI’s expertise in technology and product scouting, joint ventures and strategic alliances with Israeli companies spans more than half a century...
Read moreThe Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute is your premier gateway for doing business with Israeli companies. Established and funded by the government and the private sector, IEICI’s expertise in technology and product scouting, joint ventures and strategic alliances with Israeli companies spans more than half a century.
Whatever your field is, IEICI offers access to relevant businesses and government resources. With expertise in Israel’s leading Industries, IEICI will provide the information you need to connect, negotiate and do business.
The Cleantech, Energy & Environmental Technologies Department has an intimate acquaintance with the Israeli Cleantech industry exporters, which includes more than 400 companies, and about 200 start-ups. It has a proven ability to identify and match suitable potential business partners, organizing one-on-one business meetings and is a focal point for contacts with the government as well as with the industry.
Silver Sponsors

ABB Technology Ventures (ATV) is the strategic venture capital investment arm of ABB (NYSE: ABB). ATV scouts the globe for breakthrough power and automation technology partners...
Read moreABB Technology Ventures (ATV) is the strategic venture capital investment arm of ABB (NYSE: ABB). ATV scouts the globe for breakthrough power and automation technology partners aligned with ABB’s mission of improving efficiency and operational quality with less environmental impact. Since its formation in 2009, ATV has invested over $150 million into high potential technology companies across a wide range of sectors including robotics, 3D printing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, renewables and energy efficiency. Learn more at abb.com/ventures.

For the past three decades, Chubb has provided a wide range of renewable energy, technology, and manufacturing companies with scalable, future focused insurance solutions...
Read moreFor the past three decades, Chubb has provided a wide range of renewable energy, technology, and manufacturing companies with scalable, future focused insurance solutions. With an integrated worldwide network of branches and affiliates, Chubb’s global expertise, risk engineering, and claims services help Clean Tech companies keep pace with the velocity of changing risks. To learn more about Chubb, please contact your local agent or broker today.

GE Ventures identifies and accelerates ideas that will help improve the world. Focused on software, advanced manufacturing, energy and healthcare, GE Ventures combines investing, new business creation, licensing, thought leadership, early market development and more to deliver an innovation platform designed to drive growth with our partners.
Read moreGE Ventures identifies and accelerates ideas that will help improve the world. Focused on software, advanced manufacturing, energy and healthcare, GE Ventures combines investing, new business creation, licensing, thought leadership, early market development and more to deliver an innovation platform designed to drive growth with our partners.
Bronze Sponsors

BDC Capital offers a wide range of risk capital solutions to support cleantech companies. Its Industrial, Clean and Energy (ICE) Technology Venture Fund tailors its investments...
Read moreBDC Capital offers a wide range of risk capital solutions to support cleantech companies. Its Industrial, Clean and Energy (ICE) Technology Venture Fund tailors its investments towards highly scalable, capital light, late seed and Series A stage companies deploying software, scalable hardware and novel materials innovation to build global companies to be commercial successes. For later stage firms, BDC’s Cleantech Practice provides both flexible loans and equity to help high potential cleantech firms scale and expand.

ENGIE New Ventures was founded in May 2014, when 115M€ of Corporate Venture Capital was set aside for investment as minority stakes in startups, to complement existing resources coming from the technology and research centres and from internal innovation.
Read moreENGIE New Ventures was founded in May 2014, when 115M€ of Corporate Venture Capital was set aside for investment as minority stakes in startups, to complement existing resources coming from the technology and research centres and from internal innovation.
Since then, a total of 65M€ has been invested in 16 projects worldwide, especially Europe, North America and the Middle East, and in fields as diverse as organic photovoltaics, natural gas chromatography and hydrogen mobility. Names include Powerdale, Sigfox, Kiwi Power, Apix Analytics, StreetLight Data, Kwh Analytics, Heliatek, Serviz, Ecova, Greentown Labs, Living Map, EV-Box.

Gust Launch is the world's first Company-as-a-Service™: one platform to easily incorporate, start, and run a company like a seasoned entrepreneur, designed by experienced startup founders, investors, and lawyers to help from launch to exit.
Read moreGust Launch is the world’s first Company-as-a-Service™: one platform to easily incorporate, start, and run a company like a seasoned entrepreneur, designed by experienced startup founders, investors, and lawyers to help from launch to exit. Starting with incorporation, Gust Launch takes founders through the process of setting up their company, then provides legal help from leading startup law firms on an ongoing basis and offers add-on packages to solve problems like bookkeeping and more as the company’s needs grow. To use Gust Launch, visit https://gust.com/launch.

The Invenergy Future Fund is an independent Venture fund investing in early and growth stage businesses bringing technology to make energy more affordable, reliable, and secure. Anchored by Invenergy, the world’s largest independently owned renewable power producer...
Read moreThe Invenergy Future Fund is an independent Venture fund investing in early and growth stage businesses bringing technology to make energy more affordable, reliable, and secure. Anchored by Invenergy, the world’s largest independently owned renewable power producer, and joined by knowledgeable operators and practitioners, the Fund is centered on the application layer of energy — technologies that improve the performance and value of existing assets. We look for data-focused, decentralized tech and platforms capable of exponential growth. The Future Fund’s five areas of focus within this space are Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Energy Storage Systems, Distributed Energy Resources, and Operational Efficiency.
The Future Fund provides capital, operational horsepower, and engineering expertise to give life to great ideas and create unique competitive advantages. The Fund aims to leverage the engineering and operational expertise at Invenergy to source, diligence, and manage investments that can provide a successful return for Fund investors. Adding value beyond just cash, the Fund seeks to grow innovative businesses through pilot tests, engineering troubleshooting, business model improvements, and customer referrals.
As operators and practitioners, the Fund’s strategy and approach are born out of decades of experience building and leading innovative energy companies. We know the challenges of developing and commercializing hardware and software products and services, and we bring our know-how and network to every investment. Transforming a dynamic and diverse energy system isn’t easy – and sometimes it takes more than great technology and teamwork to break through. We’ve built deep relationships with forward-thinking industrial and energy companies and visionaries to help transformative solutions make it to the right customers at the right time.
The Fund will invest an average of $5 million initially in early-stage (primarily Series B and Series C) clean energy companies that have strong potential for significant revenue and operating profit growth. These companies are typically at an inflection point where seed or A round funding has helped them prove that the technology works, but now they need capital to commercially scale the business. The Fund’s leadership looks to support growth as active board members.
The future of energy hinges on ideas and business models that are executable, resilient, efficient, and secure. We believe that even big problems are best solved with simplicity and scalability and that progressive industry insiders are best positioned to help new technologies reach their potential.
Learn more at www.invenergyfuturefund.com

JETRO, or the Japan External Trade Organization, is a non-profit organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the world.
Read moreJETRO, or the Japan External Trade Organization, is a non-profit organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the world. Originally established in 1958, JETRO’s core focus is to promote foreign direct investment into Japan by supporting companies expanding into Japan. JETRO currently maintains 74 offices overseas in 54 countries worldwide, as well as 46 offices in Japan, including the Tokyo and Osaka headquarters.
Learn more at https://www.jetro.go.jp/usa

Established in 1966, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body dedicated to creating opportunities for Hong Kong’s businesses.
Read moreEstablished in 1966, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body dedicated to creating opportunities for Hong Kong’s businesses. With more than 40 offices globally, including 13 on the Chinese mainland, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a platform for doing business with China, Asia and the world. With 50 years of experience, the HKTDC organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to provide companies, particularly SMEs, with business opportunities on the mainland and in international markets, while providing information via trade publications, research reports and digital channels including the media room. For more information, please visit: www.hktdc.com/aboutus. Follow us on Google+ Twitter @hktdc LinkedIn
Community Partners

ADVANCED ENERGY ECONOMY (AEE) is a national association of business leaders who are making the global energy system more secure, clean, and affordable.
Read moreADVANCED ENERGY ECONOMY (AEE) is a national association of business leaders who are making the global energy system more secure, clean, and affordable. Advanced energy encompasses a broad range of products and services that constitute the best available technologies for meeting energy needs today and tomorrow. Among these are energy efficiency, demand response, natural gas electric generation, solar, wind, hydro, nuclear, electric vehicles, biofuels and smart grid. It’s all the innovations that make the energy we use more secure, clean, and affordable.
AEE’s vision is of a prosperous world that runs on secure, clean, affordable energy. Our mission is transforming public policy to enable rapid growth of advanced energy companies.

The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Energy Innovation Summit is the premier event of the year for energy innovators, investors, and influencers.
Read moreThe Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Energy Innovation Summit is the premier event of the year for energy innovators, investors, and influencers. Set for March 13-15, 2018 in Washington, D.C., this annual conference gathers more than 2,000 experts from government, academia, and business to advance cutting-edge energy technologies. The 3-day program features inspiring keynotes, practical seminars, a technology showcase with 275+ innovative technologies, and targeted networking opportunities.
ARPA-E is an innovative and collaborative program within the U.S. Department of Energy that brings together America’s brightest scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to support transformational energy technologies through funding, technical assistance, and market readiness.
Visit http://www.arpae-summit.com for more information.

Artemis is a strategy consultancy focused upon advanced water technology. It works with leading organizations including Walmart, Intel and IBM to seek out proven water tech solutions that provide cost savings, efficiency for the short term and resilience for the long term.
Read moreArtemis is a strategy consultancy focused upon advanced water technology. It works with leading organizations including Walmart, Intel and IBM to seek out proven water tech solutions that provide cost savings, efficiency for the short term and resilience for the long term. Artemis’ Resilient Water Operations (RWO) analysis provides a comprehensive continuous process for examining water use, prioritizing opportunities for building
water resilience and charting key performance indicators. It examines installations holistically to identify water and energy costs, risks
and synergies. The Artemis RWO builds on best practices from the world’s leading operations to identify the most promising proven
technologies, guide pilots and determine best financial and technical outcomes. Learn more at http://artemiswaterstrategy.com/

Clean Edge delivers an comprehensive suite of clean-energy benchmarking services including stock indexes, utility and consumer surveys, and regional leadership tracking.
Read moreClean Edge delivers an comprehensive suite of clean-energy benchmarking services including stock indexes, utility and consumer surveys, and regional leadership tracking. The firm provides companies, investors, NGOs, and governments with timely research, trending analysis, and actionable insights. For more information on our research and advisory services visit www.cleanedge.com

Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) is a national community of business leaders who promote sound environmental policy that builds economic prosperity.
Read moreEnvironmental Entrepreneurs (E2) is a national community of business leaders who promote sound environmental policy that builds economic prosperity. We provide an independent, nonpartisan resource for understanding the business perspective on environmental issues. Working with business, environmental and non-traditional allies, E2 helps shape state and national policy that’s good for the economy and the environment. Learn more at https://www.e2.org/

The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) is a private non-profit organization helping to accelerate the commercialization of clean technologies by offering flexible office space, CEO coaching, and access to a robust network of partnerships and capital.
Read moreThe Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) is a private non-profit organization helping to accelerate the commercialization of clean technologies by offering flexible office space, CEO coaching, and access to a robust network of partnerships and capital. LACI was founded in 2011 as a cluster-driven economic development initiative supported by the City of LA, LADWP, and the Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles. LACI has helped 67 companies raise $134M in funding, created 1,500 jobs, and delivered more than $335M in long-term economic value for the City of LA.
In addition to being home to LACI, the 60,000 sq.ft. La Kretz Innovation Campus hosts the region’s highest caliber Advanced Prototyping Center, where members can design, build, test, certify and manufacture products. Features include an electronics lab, chemistry lab, cell lab, CNC center, water jet, welding shop, 3D printers, premium CAD software, laser cutters, woodworking, an assembly bay, and training centers.

The Leadership Group, founded in 1978 by David Packard of Hewlett-Packard, represents more than 370 of Silicon Valley’s most respected employers on issues, programs and campaigns that affect the economic health and quality of life in Silicon Valley, including education, energy, environment, health, housing, tax policies, tech and innovation and transportation.
Read moreThe Leadership Group, founded in 1978 by David Packard of Hewlett-Packard, represents more than 370 of Silicon Valley’s most respected employers on issues, programs and campaigns that affect the economic health and quality of life in Silicon Valley, including education, energy, environment, health, housing, tax policies, tech and innovation and transportation. Leadership Group members collectively provide nearly one of every three private sector jobs in Silicon Valley and contribute more than $3 trillion to the worldwide economy. For more information, visit svlg.org.

Women in Cleantech and Sustainability (WCS) fosters an influential network of professionals to further the roles of women in growing the green economy and making a positive impact on the environment.
Read moreWomen in Cleantech and Sustainability (WCS) fosters an influential network of professionals to further the roles of women in growing the green economy and making a positive impact on the environment. Founded in 2011, WCS is a nonprofit organization made up up nearly 1000 professional women and men working to build the green economy. Our members range from the students and entry level professionals, to Founders, C-Suite executives and investors. WCS meets once a month to network and learn the latest developments in the green movement, as well as attain new business and personal skills from speakers and panelists. Topics covered include: renewable energy (solar, wind biofuel, etc), water, smart grid, biomass, carbon reduction, sustainable transportation, energy efficiency, sustainability, green buildings and many other technologies that aim to make our world a cleaner, more sustainable place.
Photos & Presentations
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Here are the publicly available presentations:
Monday, January 22, 2018
The Future is Bright, the Future is Electric: Pat Romano, CEO, ChargePoint
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Next Generations - Who and What to Pay Attention to Now about the Future: Richard Youngman, CEO, Cleantech Group
A Next Generation Oil & Gas Industry: Pratima Ragarajan, CEO, OGCI Climate Investments
Next Generation ICT: AI in Energy
Fledglings & Seedlings: In Search of the Next Generation
A Next Generation Industry on the Rise: Legal Cannabis and its Innovation Dynamics: David Donnan, Senior Partner, A.T. Kearney
Nurturing the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs: What does success look like, and for whom?
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Blockchain in Energy & Industry: A Growing Intersection
Company Showcase: Next Generation Innovations for Buildings
Company Showcase: Next Generation Innovations for the Solar Market

Best Rate: June 8 - July 14 | Summer Rate: July 15 - Sept 8 | Autumn Rate: Sept 9 - Oct 31 | November Rate: Nov 1 - Nov 30 | December Rate: Dec 1 - Dec 31 | Full Rate: Jan 1 - Jan 21 | On-Site Rate: Jan 22 - Jan 24 |
$1295 | $1495 | $1695 | $1895 | $2095 | $2395 | $2695 |
The Forum Registration Fee Includes:
- Access to all keynotes, general sessions, and (non-invite-only) breakout sessions and workshops
- Access to all general (non-invite-only) breakfasts, lunches, networking breaks, and receptions
- Access to the networking area and exhibitor space
100% Satisfaction Guarantee to Cleantech Forum “First-Timers”
Cleantech Group has run Forums since 2002 with many annual returnees. As a statement of confidence – and as a commitment to newcomers’ satisfaction, who are least familiar with the event – we will gladly refund your registration fee if you are dissatisfied with the value you received from participating in your first Forum.
Available Discounts
Discounts are available to the following individuals. Please note that only one discount type/code can be applied against the standard rates published above. Cleantech Group reserves the right to reject any registrations where a double-discount is deemed to have been applied.
- CTG Subscribers: The CTG subscriber rate – $300 off the registration fee – is available to paying subscribers of CTG. You must register with the email address you use to log into i3. If you have any issues with your subscriber discount, please email us at forums@cleantech.com
- You can find more information about our services and subscription offerings here.
- i3 Start-Up Users: If you have an active start-up profile on i3, you will have access to an exclusive start-up rate. TO RECEIVE THIS RATE, YOU MUST LOG INTO i3 AND REGISTER VIA THE FORUM OPPORTUNITY.
- If you do not have an active i3 start-up profile, go to i3connect.com and select “For Start-ups” to create one.
- Government/Non-Profit Representatives: We offer a tiered discount rate for government employees and non-profit representatives. For more information, or to receive this rate, please email us at forums@cleantech.com with the name of your organization and verification of your government or non-profit status.
- Groups of 3+: If your organization or company would like to bring 3 or more attendees, we offer special group rates. For groups of 3, we offer a 15% discount; for groups of 4, we offer a 20% discount; and for groups of 5+, we offer a 25% discount. Please contact us for more information.
- Students: We do not offer a student rate to the Forum. Instead, we encourage students to apply to be a Forum volunteer to get access to unique networking and learning opportunities.
Media registration is by invitation only. For a media pass, please contact us.
Are you in business school or a graduate program? Apply to volunteer at Cleantech Forum San Francisco, and get access to unique networking and learning opportunities.
Please note that this opportunity is open to those still in school, with occasional exceptions made for recent graduates.
Terms & Conditions
For the full list of terms and conditions, please click here.
- Invoice Policy:
- If an invoice is requested, an additional $300 will be added to the registration fee. Payment will be required by no later than the Event Date. If payment is not received before then, Cleantech Group reserves the right to cancel the registration without notice. Payment may be made by check, credit card or bank transfer.
- Substitutions:
- A request to transfer a registration to a colleague should be made by giving written notice via email. Cleantech Group reserves the right to deny a request for such a substitution, but will not unreasonably do so.
- Cancellation Policy:
- Up to 12 weeks before the event date, a 20% cancellation fee will be applicable
- Up to 8 weeks before the event date, a 30% cancellation fee will be applicable
- Up to 4 weeks before the event date, a 50% cancellation fee will be applicable
- Less than 4 weeks before the event date, the full fee will be applicable
- No Show, the full fee will be applicable
If you have any questions about registration, please feel free to contact us at forums@cleantech.com.