Global Cleantech 100

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Who are the leading companies in cleantech today? Meet our list of innovators with the technologies and determination to take us from commitments to actions in the sprint to net-zero. You’ll also discover the fast-changing market trends that give us hope of a sustainable future and the drivers behind the progress of each sector.


The Numbers Behind the Companies

How interested are investors in the 2024 Global Cleantech 100 companies?

$8.8 billion Raised by Global Cleantech 100 companies since their founding
$2.8 billion Total raised by Global Cleantech 100 companies in 2023
$380 million Largest round in 2023, Electric Hydrogen
$21 million Average equity round in 2023
21 Countries represented in the 2024 Global Cleantech 100 Companies

The Global Cleantech 100 Industry Groups

What technologies and business models will deliver a net-zero future?

Agriculture & Food

What will drive the transformation of agriculture and food over the next decade? Alternative proteins, crop and soil science, and biological inputs are leading the way.

Get The Agriculture & Food Sector Report

Energy & Power

Strong next generation renewable companies in hydrogen, heating and cooling and energy storage reflect a plea for meaningful decarbonization across grids, throughout industries and for consumers.

Get The Energy & Power Sector Report

Materials & Chemicals

Hard-to-abate industries including steel production, cement and concrete, chemicals and plastics are gaining the attention of both investors and innovators. Industrial biotech and battery materials are also gaining traction.

Get The Materials & Chemicals Sector Report

Resources & Environmental Management

High demand for critical materials is catalyzing investment in mining and refining innovation, while carbon offset markets respond to a transparency crisis.

Get The Resources & Environmental Management Sector Report

Transportation & Logistics

Innovation is moving away from passenger cars to capture emerging opportunities in other transport sectors and infrastructure. We also see rising innovation in supply chain technology, ev batteries and other components, fleet management and advanced air mobility.

Get The Transportation & Logistics Sector Report

Waste & Recycling

2023 saw a downturn in deal amount back to pre-2021 levels — whilst deal number remained relatively static.  Most sectors experienced a downturn, especially in fashion as corporates have failed to support scaling innovators.

Get The Waste & Recycling Sector Report

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Latest Global Cleantech Perspectives

Understanding Financed Emissions: A New Priority for Sustainable Investment

In the evolving landscape of climate disclosures and sustainable investment, understanding and managing financed emissions has become a critical focus for financial institutions…

About Cleantech Group

At Cleantech Group, we provide research, consulting and events to catalyze opportunities for sustainable growth powered by innovation. We bring clients access to the trends, companies and people shaping the future and the customized advice and support businesses need to engage external innovation.

Industries are undergoing definitive transitions toward a more digitized, de-carbonized and resource-efficient industrial future. At every stage from initial strategy to final deals, our services bring corporate change makers, investors, governments and stakeholders from across the ecosystem, the support they need to thrive in this fast-arriving and uncertain future.

The company was established in 2002 and is headquartered in San Francisco with people based in North America, Europe, and Asia.

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Get the 2024 Cleantech 100 Report Today

Meet the most innovative companies in cleantech.

Gain insights trends and technologies that will take us from commitments to actions in the global sprint to net zero.

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