Live Event: 6 June 3:00pm-6:00pm, San Francisco

How to Scale Fashion Innovation for Impact

Innovation can improve the high emissions, toxic pollution, and mountains of non-recyclable waste from fast fashion. These technologies exist but have yet to scale for impact. We’re bringing together key innovators and corporations to discuss which technologies can move the dial on impact and roadblocks to scaling innovative fashion technologies. We will be hosting two rapid-fire panels covering:

New Materials and Dyes in Cosmetics and Textiles

These technologies are quickly developing, they design-in circularity and reduce environmental and human harm. If supported, they have the potential to disrupt and displace plastic-based materials and fast fashion. However, cost-parity with established, virgin materials is a moonshot, which may never be realized. What other drivers are developing to compete with the beast of fast fashion?


  • Mike Biddle, Partner, Evok Innovations (Moderator)
  • Onur Eren, Co-Founder, GOZEN
  • Alex, Kopelyan, Senior Director & Partner, SOSV
  • Benjamin Droguet , Founder & CEO, Sparxell
  • Michelle Zhu, CEO & Co-Founder, Huue

Circularity in Fashion

Innovative pathways for end-of-life textiles, including reuse and recycling, have been commercializing to varying degrees of success. Circularity is essential to mitigate the ecological and environmental disasters caused by textile waste. With fickle support from incumbents and governments, the question is when and how?


  • Alice Brooks, Partner, Khosla Ventures (Moderator)
  • Annie Gullingsrud, Head of Strategy and Sustainability, Trashie
  • Ruchika Julapalli , VP Product, J. Crew & Madewell
  • Vikki Nguyen, Of Counsel, Wilson Sonsini

Join us for two interactive Q&A panels followed by drinks and networking. The event will be hosted by Cleantech Group, in partnership with Wilson Sonsini on June 6th at Wilson Sonsini’s offices in San Francisco. This is a limited-capacity event, so request your invitation soon.

Getting there:

WSGR Office
One Market Plaza
Spear Tower, 19th Floor
San Francisco


Wilson Sonsini

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Women In Sustainability